
Responses from tablejockey

What is your experience with the Spin Clean?
Sounds like you just need to open the wallet wider, and get a proper cleaning machine. I try and find GOOD condition, used LP's to start with-that means NO real groove damage which won't be saved by ANY cleaning machine. With that said, SP serve... 
What is your experience with the Spin Clean?
If you feel it makes no difference, return it. SP is really just for cleaning superficial dirt on used LP's. It will remove some skips/stitches depending on the degree of damage. Otherwise, it won't perform miracles. Mine has been in use for ove... 
Is a noisy tube a bad sounding tube
STOP the audio neurosis behavior-you don't listen with an ear pressed against the speaker.  ALL tubes are noisy to some degree. Some more than others.   
Proof of improvements in audio system sound quality....
"how to make a less expensive system sound better, truthfully. with no lies at all." Stop being a cheapskate and open your wallet to buy a better system. Pretty easy. "we had to leave the store early since she had to cook dinner." She "had" to... 
My analog journey - time for a new phono stage or?
Well this thread took an odd turn.  
My analog journey - time for a new phono stage or?
All of your listed possiblitles are solid. I have demoed the tubed models with the exception of Aesthetix. A earlier, used Zesto would also be a great contender in the price range. This looks to be a good deal too. Whatever you pick it will be re... 
The P8 is a nice table as is.  Any mods will make it a modded P8- that's it. Sell it, and get the P10. They can be found for $5k or less.  
Power cord length
"Dealer stated "2m works the best for it to really filter". Also, both cords must be same length for "time alignment"; when using monoblocks "different length wires will sound slightly different" Oh brother... if that's the case, then have ALL th... 
The bombardment of Google ads
Use an ad blocker browser. The caveat of that is that browser company may use your data-sell it, and then you get unwanted emails. Also, some sites won't allow you to view their page. The internet has become a no-win situation as far as wanting ... 
Do You Play Or Save Your Best Cartridges
You're only here ONCE. Why not listen to the "BEST" setup you can afford ANYTIME you drop the needle?    
I Was Stunned
"That rack looks like it was made by a plumber, but it is interesting and funky." That's because "street elbow" plumbing fixtures are used. Street elbow Pipe & Fittings at  
Made in USA
dayglow-your interpretation is baffling "All time low?"  It's just an audio forum thread.  
Made in USA
Ah anti Chinese as we peck away on our MIC  computer,router and all cables-as you sip your coffee in a MIC mug. Let's be real- unless you play with higher end goods-ARC,VAC,Atma etc. you're gonna have a product diluted with MIC somethi... 
Burt Bacharach has passed away
As a kid in the late 60's/early 70's, it seemed like every non R&R pop song on the radio was a song  written by Burt Bacharach. The Dionne Warwick/Bacharach albums were always on rotation in the big Grundig console. Songwriters of his calibe... 
Beware Bluenose Records Downloads
NAS audio is fantastic for convenience.  Having a library at your fingertips is great. SQ is about neck-and-neck with my beloved LP's BUT... Acquiring new music through a download and having your type of experience is yet another turnoff for me ...