
Responses from tablejockey

Schiit Mani vs Atoll P200SE Phono Preamp
Dual monopoly might get confusing, too many pieces on the board...Dual mono topology, typically a design seen in upper level gear. Think L/R channel circuits independent,  in one box. At this level, considering you're going to plug it into an entr... 
Playing mono records properly without breaking the bank - a phono pre-amp question.
You can always...simply play your mono records and enjoy the music. 
Question on phono input noise levels
SUT-step up transformer looked for the least techie article, but they all seem to be about the same. 
Is the Manley Steelhead still relevant?
rsl507-I'm afraid the Ostich egg comparison doesn't apply to me.Living in weirdoville central-SoCal, they're likely available at some upscale gourmet food store.I use a now aging Fosgate(V2) that does the deed. It holds up against the current $3-5... 
Is the Manley Steelhead still relevant?
rsf507-I keep an eye out for a used NVO. It appears owners aren't letting them go.I've heard some FINEST SS setups. They all do the same-approach tube sonics. That is naturally subjective. If one is the "press your ear to the speaker grill to hear... 
Is the Manley Steelhead still relevant?
Since this thread is about a tube phono amp, anyone recall this being a flavor of the month? of glass in there! Unobtanium in the used market. From the reviews, it appeared to be a "end of game" ... 
Are you Beethoven or Mozart?
Much different than R&R preferences. The actual artists are performing their compositions, which makes all the difference.Classical, it’s all in the intrepetation thru the conductor/orchestra.There’s a dull 5th or Tocatta and Fugue, and there ... 
Project Acryl-it Platter
You may be oh...nearly 10 year late 
Is the Manley Steelhead still relevant?
$15K will get the "end game" piece. As mentioned above, the Allnic, or something cool as the Luxman are at that level. After that, it's all table madness to blame for nervosa! 
Selling price of Shunyata Python Alpha Helix 1 meter 20 amp Power Cord/Cable
It's a nearly 15 year old model.If your considering more than half the retail, it may stay listed for awhile. IMO, half is still high. If a cable listed for $1k, I wouldn't consider it for more than $450-500.Used audio gear/peripherals is for a sm... 
Best integrated tube amplifier, under $3,000.00. No phono needed. Could be used, too.d
This is easily comparable to other suggestions, and almost HALF your budget. for what you describe as use. It will drive your speakers, and worry free. You don't need a 50-1... 
How many times have you ...
The reissue thing seems to be  hit or miss. Gave up on them.Always a miss to my ears. Or, perhaps it's just nostalgia. My teen years caught the end of R&R-mid 70s?I've mentioned in other threads that R&R albums sound as if the bass is punc... 
Schiit Mani vs Atoll P200SE Phono Preamp
I used  that piece of Schiit while my $2500 unit was being  repaired. Great for the money.Don't waste your time obsessing on what's  "best" at this level. Either one will likely be fine.  
Experience/thoughts on new Music Hall Classic Turntable?
Why are you basing your purchase on where it's made?The majority of products you consume(like it or not)  ARE "Made in China"Meaningless. You're in the wrong hobby, if you want you stay "China free" 
xperience with Grados The Statement 2 (vs. Audio Technica Art)
"But there is one thing I wish for: that is a bit more colour, richness, the leading voice could have a little more vibrance and fealing.I don’t need more detail but on the other hand I don’t want to loose detail or stage." Have you ever considere...