
Responses from tablejockey

Movie Stars that can handle musical instrument well
Woody Allen -clarinetAnyone remember this appearance of that "wild and crazy guy?" actually is an accomplished player, but I thought this now corny appearance  was refreshing. 
Why has focal raised their prices so much on Sopra line
Good reason to buy them used. Great speaker otherwise. 
The guy had a sub par phono stage, unable to show what the Lyra is capable of, that's all.A negative thread ISN"T the end of world for an already established brand. No big deal 
"The BAT VK P12 phono preamp has transformed the LYRA into a game changer."For $8K or whatever the current MSRP is, it better. Your original post was suspect to me. I thought "what is the phono pre?"Get the SE upgrade if you don't already have it.... 
Which Tube Phono Pre Amo?
"Dead quiet is what I’m looking for."You are looking for a SS unit, if that's what the expectation is.ALL tube units will have a degree of noise when the volume is cranked and you're "listening for it." The reviews also mention the Foz as VERY qui... 
Which Tube Phono Pre Amo?
"I prefer to be engaged with the music and try and not listen to the equipment but do require a certain level of sound reproduction."For the money, and it's appears to available NOW, this listing is quite good. I speak from a personal perspective ... 
Speaker placement
Just looks a room with high ceilings.Those Focals need to be out in the room to breath and sound their best. something to try and it's FREE. It's not a fix for all setups.Based on this they shoul... 
Proac K6 Signature, Sonus Faber Amati Tradition,Verity Audio Amadis, Kharma DB-9
At least in the aesthetic department-SF is beautiful to look at. They sound as good as they look, but that's simply a personal, subjective call.I have only heard "pre SF corporate" Amati. Assuming current Amati has retained the SF "sound."I have a... 
New set up in asymmetrical room - speaker placement etc
I'd push that sofa closer out into the room also, closer to the speakers.Again, JUST another thing to try. You're too far away from the speakers.  I'd start with the equilateral triangle position, based on the speakers new position, with the sofa ... 
New set up in asymmetrical room - speaker placement etc
If that's really  a "dedicated" space, those speakers need to be out in the room to breath.Not a answer for everyone, just another option on the size of your room they should be around  4-5 feet... 
Do You Ever Find Yourself Unable to Listen To Your System?
"6 Things Men Should Not Eat"If you listen to this guy, EVERYTHING degrades testosterone.He also has a creepy vibe to him.One other thing, living is cancerous to your health.Most everything in moderation. Why on earth does anyone want to live to b... 
Accuphase T-1200 Tuner
You're probably not missing much.All commercial stations sound awful.Aren't most of the PBS stations below 95Mhz? They seem to be the only ones that sound decent. 
Do You Ever Find Yourself Unable to Listen To Your System?
EVERYONE on this planet is trying to find balance.Hopefully you find the right "mix" which allows you to resume listening.Reminding yourself that there are PLENTY of others in MUCH WORSE situations than not being able sit and listen to a stereo sy... 
Bergmann Galder Turntable
I heard the Bergmann  Galder table at a show. Impressive euro tech  demoed by an aloof, off putting euro guy that played only classical LP's. It had a linear arm _I don't recall the brand.I requested we put on one of my R&R LP's  and was immed... 
Need emergency help please!
Try a different motorcycle and PSI in the tires.