

Responses from swampwalker

Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
I'd choose digital source with tube electronics rather than analog source with solid state electronics in a forced to choose hypothetical situation+1 Charles. Well said. 
Buying equipment
You might want to talk to someone like Wally at Underwood oe Mehran at Sorasound both of whom advertise extensively on this site and sell a lot on-line. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hey, I'm just poking a little fun. $70K for speaker cables??? WTF??? You can say all you want about it being your money and your enjoyment, etc. All true. I think it's immoral. I freely admit that's about as subjective a conclusion as one can make... 
Amp and preamp on same outlet?
"Far better than any penny you have ever heard Michael." I beg to differ; the NOS stamped pennies have better imaging and micro-detail than those Far East-sourced OEM cast plugs. It's actually a gnat taking the whizz on the second chair cellist. I... 
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...
Not sure it was a typo, considering Rebbi's profession ;-) 
"Audiophile" fuses. A comparison.
I think Geoff is trying to say that since your experience lies outside of (an outlier) than what he believes is typical, it should be discounted. At least by anyone else. It's a way of dismissing a data point that is at variance with your hypothes... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Thanks for the kind words, Charles. Having the subs on the same (open) baffle as the mains takes a lot of the integration problem out of the equation, I think. Add in the advantages of a point source/quasi-single driver that covers nearly all of t... 
How many remember Don Kirshner's Rock Concert?
Apropos my earlier comment, I THINK I remember listening to simulcasts in the Hartford, CT area. 
where to buy sub woofer driver for my Focal XS 2.1
Zd- Sure, why not. IF they will talk to you. Lots of manufacturers/distributors are not willing to talk to individual consumers, if for no other reason than to protect their dealers. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
I think Rick has a $70K+ speaker cable that is all magnets. Maybe Audiocrack should try one of those?For $70K it should be made out crack, not magnets. 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Charles- Oh, my. I guess I really need to update my systems page. I have not used the Merlins in quite a while (anyone wanna buy a pair cheep!!!)and the Wavac amp is long gone. I see it kicking around on the 'Gon every once in a while, either that... 
where to buy sub woofer driver for my Focal XS 2.1
You will probably need the part # oFocal f the specific driver for anyone outside of the official distribution chain to help you out. Once you know that, you might even find one on fleabay. 
What are some good tubes to use in a Thor phono
Jim McShane is another good tube vendor. But I am a bit confused because 12A?7 are small signal tubes not output tubes. 
Best Transport for Tidal
I realized that I still had the Tidal player running on the MV. When I shut that down this a.m. it seemed much better. I'm streaming wirelessly from the MV to a MW Transporter and I have all of my CDs ripped to the MV, so I'm not about to trash th... 
Getting phantom image perfectly centered
Relax...Lindsey Buckingham famously said most stereo recordings are off centered slightly to the left...its the recording... Not your systemAnybody know whether this is really correct (either the actual information about the recording, or that Lin...