

Responses from swampwalker

High End cartridges and the built quality
99- The picture quality is quite amazing, the quality control not so much. These are very delicate items, but the failure of QC to detect these problems is very disappointing. 
Anyone seen audiophile lisence plates passin' by?
Taralabs cables
FWIW, the main reason that "white papers" exist is because no reputable scientific or technical journal would publish that mumbo-jumbo. 
Another UPS Horror Story
Ask the seller for a copy of all of his communications with UPS. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Audiolabryinth said:anybody that believes that silver does not oxidize does not know anything about cablesIt does of course oxidize. The relevant questions are:1. Does it oxidize at an appreciable rate when exposed to air?2. How does the conductiv... 
Another UPS Horror Story
Jarrett- Your post is a little ambiguous, so pardon me if you know this. You may need to file small claims against UPS Store, which is an independent business, and UPS itself. 
Remove musty smell
Or baking soda. 
Does Aether Audio still exist?
Ah, the inability to communicate sarcasm via the internet forum...sigh. My bad, Denis and Mike. I apologize to you both. These days I read or hear those kinds of comments all the time from our supposed "leaders" [sarcastic] all around the world. I 
Does Aether Audio still exist?
Hey guys, ever consider that you should substitute the work "human" or "humanity" for "Christian" or "Christianity"? That kind of arrogance is not only insulting and denigrating to all of the Audiogon members who are not Christian, it's also the s... 
Another UPS Horror Story
it's not the throw and catch you have to worry about, it's the 6' fall from the high speed conveyor onto the concrete floor of the sorting center. Onc3 you realize that is the major risk, you can pack accordingly. IOW, after packing, the item shou... 
Replacing Veneer on ProAc Speakers
I agree that filing a damage claim is the right way to start; I just think the OP has to be realistic about what the end game is. If the speakers were broken, like Jdoris' furniture, that would be a very different matter. Cosmetic damage to a sing... 
Replacing Veneer on ProAc Speakers
I think Roxy54's advice is right on target. I got into a legal battle w a mover, who presented me with a bill that was 3X the estimate. Yes, triple. When I balked, they drove off w all of my worldly goods. It cost me $1K in legal fees to get my st... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Well said, Bombaywalla. In audio as in many other technically complex fields, "it depends" or "maybe" is often the correct answer. We all hunger for yes and no answers but there is reason why "the devil is in the details" is a well-worn phrase. I ... 
Funny and clever Axpona Ad
Al- I must plead guilty to not reading the fine print (or even noticing that there was any print!). Looking at their web site, it appears that they were in Orange for many years and now are right around the corner from Take 5. Since I discovered A... 
How to convert TV optical output to XLR
You will need a DAC that accepts optical aka toslink and has XLR outputs. Or you could use RCA to XLR cables or use one of the single-ended inputs on the Ayre. But as far as I can tell, the Arye does NOT accept digital inputs, where toslink, co-ax...