

Responses from swampwalker

It is ASSUMING the cantilever is square to the front of the cart body. The beauty of the mint is that it allow you to align relative to the cantilever not the body. Also you need to get the cantilever square AFTER getting the overhang correct alon... 
Horrible Squee-gy Noise from Stylus
Not really, but I'm grasping a bit at straws and its an easy fix. Costs about $3.99 for a lifetime supply of ME at the grocery store, and you will want it anyways. Another thought- can you see/verify that the diamond is still on the end of the can... 
vander 5A, Revelsalon2, sf elipsa or magico v3?
Cal for sure is the weaker link. A great unit in its day. Personally, I don't think that matching brands btwn a digital player with your amp/pre makes any difference and would go for the player you "like" better, whichever criteria you use. 
Horrible Squee-gy Noise from Stylus
Try cleaning your stylus. Use the Magic Eraser method (search forums). 
Audio Aero Prima - not responding
Correction, actually no display at all and no response to front panel or remote, although the mini tubes inside do light up. 
Question I Have Never Seen Before?
U-haul has heavier grade cartons for TVs and other electronics. Not much more than the cheap crap they sell at Kinkos. I would use rigid or semi rigid foam to line the boxes, top, bottom and sides, then a double wrap of bubble wrap around the spea... 
Tube pre amp with phono stage and remote
Ooops. VAC Ren unlikely to be available for $3k. More likely $4.5-5K Sorry. 
Audio Aero Prima - not responding
I have the same problem. any more help, including recommendation for a tech in the northeast would be great. FYI, I have not heard back on an email inquiry to Audio Aero made about a month ago. 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
Blindjim has nailed it. 7 words "in a valueless society, price remains king" Nothing more to be said. The man is a gentleman and a scholar. I doff my hat. 
Do cold temperatures damage audio equipment?
Also, how do you think the stuff gets from the manufacturer? If its coming from overseas, there is a good chance that it might be air freighted in an unheated cargo hold in the stratosphere at -30 or in a container on the deck of a cargo ship pass... 
Tube pre amp with phono stage and remote
VAC Ren series have excellent phono stages (MM & MC), remote, HT pass thru, RCA and XLR out. Way better but 2.5 x price of Aesthetix Calypso. 
CES and T.H.E. 2009 - Is anyone going?
off the meds again, Skippybo? 
Quality of New MoFi recordings
UNless I miss my guess, some of the reason behind the eclectic "repertoire" if you will, was the ability to obtain the rights to high quality analog masters. I could be wrong, but that's my guess. 
Slight humming noise coming from Mark Levinson 331
Its most likely transformer hum which is a mechanical/vibrational thing. Sometimes it can be "cured" by tightening the transformer hold downs. Your dealer should be able to help you out. AKAIK, its not going to make it go up in flames. 
I want to use an OTA HD antenna...
Ozzy- Being from CT (Orlovsky's home), I feel your pain!