

Responses from swampwalker

Raybo- you may bet more responses if you turn off the caps lock. 
cartridge pin identification
Yes you can switch the phono cable leads. 
No Audiophiles in Hollywood
On TV, not movies, but Dr. House has a SOTA in his office, and I believe Revels. Of course, both the character and the actor (Hugh Laurie) are decent amateur musicians. 
Adcom, Rotel, Carver amp?
Given your speakers and concerns, the McCormack DNA 0.5 would be my very strong buy recommendation. Absolutely kills the Adcom and has very strong support/upgrade path available from the designer who posts here regularly. Add a tube pre-amp down t... 
Onkyo A-9555 and Benz Ace L: step-up? preamp?
I'd recommend an SUT only if you know that it will work well with that particular cart. Don't know what your budget is but the ZYX pre-pre is a very good battery operated active gain head amp which works very well with a couple of different phono ... 
An Off Topic Question Re Off Topic Questions
If that's an installed price, its not too bad, IMO, esp. if it includes disposal. However, first you might want to get another opinion on whether its just a clogged nozzle or poorly adjusted burner. How old is the burner? 
Clearaudio Emotion lacks dynamics
Either anti-skate or tracking force needs to be adjusted. If its equally in both channels, you may need a bit more tracking force. Otherwise look to AS. Many here have found that manufacturers recommendations on AS are too high. 
Widening Soundstage
I think what Bobby P is suggesting is not toed out, but just rotate them outward a few degrees at a time. As you found out, straight ahead results in loss of imaging. Now starting at your original position, rotate them outward gradually. You may f... 
Clearaudio Emotion lacks dynamics
Yes it could. Its called VTA vertical tracking angle and it can have significant impact on the sound. 
7 watt tube amp as headphone amp?
The problem will be that the grado is terminated in a 1/4" phone plug or a 1/8" mini plug. The outputs on the Heathkit are likely to be speaker outs, they way you have described them. You will need an adapter. ASL sells one and I am sure there are... 
Cleaning a old tonearm
If you use lighter fluid or other hydrocarbon solvent, use outdoors or w substantial ventilation AND make sure you dispose of surplus properly; i.e., not on ground out back or down the drain. 
Hearing Aids?
Loose- My mother in law is 90 and she didn't want to go out anywhere w a cane. Someone might see her and thing she had gone "round the bend"!!! 
Using McCormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe as Mono Amps
You can use them to bi-smp, but not as monoblocks, unless you send them to SMcAudio (Steve McCormack, designer/owner of McCormack prior to its sale to Conrad Johson) for modification. The Smc mods are outstanding and you will not find nicer and mo... 
Drpat- Not to contradict Al, but if you go with a low output MC cart you can use a step up transformer (SUT) like a K&K or a Bent Audio or AudioNote. etc. or a pre-preamp = headamp like the ZYX CC3, which will provide sufficient voltage to pro... 
4ohm and 8ohm
Just hook it up to the center channel + and - like any other speaker. YOu may need to adjust the center channel gain vs the fronts since the lower impedence will likely draw more power from the amp.