

Responses from swampwalker

No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
I'd double check w Steelhead. I've never heard the Manley, but the Rhea was "underwhelming" when I once heard it. Also, I would check the tubes if you can do so. 
Which tubes to roll
no idea who is selling them, but in general, e-bay is a crap shoot for tubes. 
Cartridge Setup w/Geodisc by MoFi
Rockyboy- the Mint Tractor is only $100. Maybe try one of the reworked Denon 103s with the Mint and you could stay w/in the cost of a Glider. 
about Grounded Grid Preamp
IIRC, member Tvad has used that pre. You might try emailing him thru 'Gon. 
Best SS amp for Zu Druid Mk IV speakers
"Barry White at 122dB paints a vivid picture."Vivid, yes; pretty, NO ;~) 
Is there life after a KXR? Help
VAC Ren Sig w phono should be right in your $ range. 
Can my speakers be connected to my TV?
Elevick and Brewed are mostly correct but there are some older TVs (by older I mean pre-flat panel) w speaker outs. My Tera has a real honest to goodness 10 wpc amp w speaker cables outputs and pre-amp level outputs as well. My Loewe Planus has a ... 
Toslink Connection Flakey
Sounds like nonsense to me. 
Audio Aero Prima CDP
Searching for a
Are the Spendors "tube friendly", i.e., 6 ohm or higher impedence, flat impedence curve, no major phase anomolies? How much ss or tube power do you think you need? The music you are talking about lends itself well to tube and perhaps OTL amplifiers. 
preamp with two adjustable outputs??
"MBL 6010D has output adjustments for left and right channels for each of 2 main outputs"Well that certainly complies with the OP's request for a "high end" pre-amp!!! 
Nakamichi PA-7 Hum
Yep, Hifigy is right. Its an easy way to check to see if that is the problem, since most of us have dozens of those little buggers lying around in a drawer somewhere. I then went and got the $10 RS isolation tranny which of course looks a lot neater. 
Happy Chanukah and Merry Christmas
Merry Christmakwazukkah to all! 
Nakamichi PA-7 Hum
Only thing to add to Al's response is to see if it only happens when your CATV coax is connected to something in the chain. If so, you most likely need a coax ground isolation transformer, which you can buy at Radio Shack for $10 or get the Mondia... 
Mitsubishi DLP problem
And now we know why DLPs are so cheap now!