

Responses from swampwalker

Best indoor FM antenna, your experience.
Whatjd- I have a 2.5 story colonial w a slate roof, so there was no way I was going out on the roof.  What I did was mount a conventional outdoor antenna upside down in my attic so that the elements of the antenna are closer to the floor where it ... 
best matching full range speakers for sx880 pioneer (60W rms per channel)
Had a 50 wpc pioneer of that vintage (SX-950 TW) or something like that back in day.  Large Advents were the go to at that time.   
What's your OTL tube amp experience and suggestion?
bsimpson- I've owned amps by the 3 major players in the OTL game at one time or another.  Here are my thoughts:Joule-Electra 80 wpc stereoblock- Big, somewhat warm sound, build quality of basic chassis (no idea about music block) not as robust as ... 
Oldest gear still for sale is . . .
It's been updated over the years, of course, but Vandersteen's Model 2 has been around for 40 years.  2cis, a Yamaha c2a, a Moscode 300, and an AR table w a Signet TK7E was my first "high end" system.   
Crossover for music and movies
Don't know your AVR in particular, but usually there is a way to designate the front L & R speakers as large or small, which will set their high pass frequency.  Then you can match with the proper low pass frequency for the LFE channel,  I alw... 
Microzotl 2.0 as preamp question
Good practice would be to always turn the amp on last and off first.   
Warm, rich sounding interconnects?
Never heard the Cardas Micro-twin but the Cardas also Golden Reference fit your description. 
2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K
Blindjim- it HAS been a long time, but I’ve learned some things along the way. I like tubes. A good tube system to my ears sounds like music, a good ss rig sounds like a good ss rig. So once that was settled, it means looking for tube-friendly spe... 
Record Cleaning Mystery
If only on one side, I think you may be picking up dust or dirt somewhere during your cleaning process.  If you clean side one first and then side 2 and the fuzz only appears when you plan side one, I think you may be "contaminating" the clean sid... 
2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K
If I was going to drop that kind of coin, I would definitely listen to the latest from Horning and Classic Audio Reproductions, driven by tubes.   
What have I missed in the last 12 years?
I'm thinking of resetting the whole system and going with low power tubes and high efficiency single drivers.  Thinking that with my SPL limits, might give me what I'm looking for. Good idea, although I would not limit myself just to single d... 
What are the more subtle sounding tube preamps?
Modwright 9 is quite neutral and punches above its weight.  Great service from one of the good guys.   
Retract offer
nickcaper- offers not accepted within 48 hours are automatically cancelled.  So it's 2 days, not 30.   
Koetsu surprise
Congrats, Karl.  Your wife is a treasure.   
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
mic drop!!! jaybe wins!!!!!!