

Responses from swampwalker

Back In the Day
Based on my own experience I would say no, its not. the secondary market was very limited. the local hi end shops you MIGHT be able to buy at 10% off list and they would give you 20 cents on the dollar on your equipment in trade. 
Turntable speed accuracy
This is an interesting discussion with philosophical, theoretical and practical elements. I am not in any way an advanced thinker or practitioner on things analog. However, I don't think anyone has addressed these issues with respect to a mylar ta... 
pass labs xa30 to valve amplifier.
You cannot go wrong w an Atma-sphere or a VAC (based on what I have heard at my home). The EAR and Almarra gear is very highly regarded but I have never heard it. I'm a big fan of a very good pre-amp but one step at a time. If you are concerned ab... 
Cable help for my AtmaSphere S-30 OTL Amp - Please
Mike- Contact Ralph at Atma-sphere (a'gon member atmasphere). His customer service is unparalleled and he can provide some very specific advice on recommended (very modest cost) cables. OTOH, its possible that you are accustomed to a lush sounding... 
Grounding question?
try disconnecting your cable internet. If solves the problem, use a ground isolation xfrmr, available from Rat Shack (cheap) or Jwnawn (more expensive) but still not too bad). 
Tube amp decision - Thoughts
Lots of great choices in that price range used that can drive efficient speakers. Assuming that the D1s impedance curve is reasonably flat, w an 8 ohm, 90 dB speaker, you could use OTLs or transformer coupled. I can only tell you the amps that I h... 
Tannoy Canterbury SE or JBL 4348?
chocolate ;~) 
Do you buy Insurance for Stereo Equipment?
My agent told me the same thing. I think we both should get it in writing. 
Bose Accumass EQ
smal subwoofer 3
Is 3" correct? Does not seem to me that you can move enough air w a 3" driver to affect low frequencies. Perhaps if you have a dozen in the same box? 
Stax headphone amp with non-Stax headphones.
Also, its not a balanced (XLR) connector. There are 4 pin and 5 pin (aka Pro) Stax headphones, but its not a 3 pin XLR. 
Need some help with an amp.
If you have to put your ear up to the speaker to hear a slight buzz or hum, I would say that it's not an issue. However, if the seller does not respond soon, I would open a dispute w Audiogon (if they still allow them, otherwise I would post negat... 
Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR
Can anyone tell me if the Psvane and or Shuguang bTs are full WE spec compliant and if they can handle the high demands of the VAC Ren series amps? 
What constitutes a "high output" moving coil cart?
Depends on your overall system gain, intrinsic noise floor of your electronics, typical listening level, etc. Basically LO MC is generally considered to be <0.3 mV. Most MMs deliver about 4-5 mV, I think. Many HO MC carts are spec'ed at 1.5 to ... 
Fastest subwoofer?
Vandersteen 2WQ