

Responses from swampwalker

Do not buy any Sonus Faber used
Why should Sumiko (the distributor) support the grey marketer's activities?Couldn't agree more, but what about the innocent poor shmuck who buys a used pair under assurance that they were NOT gray market. Not covering warranty repairs is perfectly... 
Do not buy any Sonus Faber used
If I had to guess, I would say that this is aimed at both the gray market and the re-sale market. If just gray market, then no warranty service would have been sufficient. I think it's brand suicide, or at least distributor suicide, but what do I ... 
Do not buy any Sonus Faber used
Just checked their web site and did not see anything under their general home page tabs or under the Sonus Faber tabs. 
Merlin VSM MXr vs Thiel 2.4 vs Dynaudio C1
Not very familiar w Dynaudio but all reports indicate that both Thiel and Dynaudio have a very different than Merlin. The Ref 3A monitors are very good but I've never heard the full range models. 
Any pleasant surprises because of guest appearance
Saw Willy Nelson @ Foxwoods in CT about 10 yrs ago and about 1/2 way thru the show, Keith Richards stepped to the stage and played a few tunes w Willie. Only a few people recognized him until willie introduced him. 
Mccormack DNA-1 deluxe vs PASS X150.5 amps??
Sunnyjim- I've owned the DNA 1 and 0.5, and no question to my ears that the 0.5 is a smoother amp than the 1.0. The impedence and phase angle vs. frequency curve shown here indicates that the Adagio should be an easy speaker for most any SS amp to... 
Best lines in a song
Mwheelerk- It's a great song, but the actual lyric is:"I'm just one or two years and a couple of changes behind youIn my lessons at love's pain and heartache school"And from the same songwriter, one of my other favorites (that always breaks my hea... 
Suggestions for current blues guitarists
For acoustic blues, try Rory Block. For something a little more mainstream, try Susan Tedeschi. For something w a little bit of a jazzy groove, try Duke Robillard. 
Wouldyou have another brand speaker next to mains
Guilty as charged. I've got a pair of Ref 3A Supremas sitting next to my Merlin VSM-MMes. Two amps also; VAC Ren 30/30 and Doshi/Lectron JH-50. I throw myself on the mercy of the 'Gon!!!! 
Using Professional Amps On Home Theater Speakers
Should be fine. If its just for movies and TV, I can't imagine that this would be a problem; in fact its a good solution, IMO. For the use you describe, I think that "audiophile" characteristics are largely irrelevant. We are visual creatures and ... 
TD is most likely correct, but if ARC says no, then I would go w Jcarr's advice. He designs some of the best carts out there and is a frequent and generous contributor to these forums. Just make sure you use good quality resistors. But I am pretty... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
Geoffkait said:the preposterous nature of things like cryo-records, wire and fuse directionality, tiny little bowl resonators, coloring the edge of CDs, crystals, Mpingo discs, demagnetizers, ionizers, extremely low frequency generators, things of... 
The Audiophile's Wife
Grannyring- that is awesome! Your wife is talented, compassionate and has a great sense of humor. If she were only strong enough to wrangle a pair of VAC 70/70 monos up or down a set of narrow, steep stair by herself, she'd be a keeper ;~) 
Onix A-120MKII Gets hot fast.
Let us know, but I bet you will see an improvement if you make sure the amp gets adequate ventilation. If its also got slots on the bottom, you may get some additional improvement by raising the unit up off the shelf w blocks under the feet. 
Heard the new Grateful Dead on Rhino?
Can anyone comment on the Rhino vs the orig WB vinyl?