
Responses from superhonestben

quicksilver amps and preamps any thoughts ??
My response is two fold, Jordi, your sanctamonious attitude that you are spraying on this and another well er um scary. I own Khorns and think they are terrific, are they the 'Best" don't know, don't know they are something ... 
Quick Question
I have owned the VTL IT 85, great amp and a solid value. should work fine 
Which Conrad Johnson pre is a step-up from PFR?
to URU975 which Mac preamp did you hear against your CJ ?? 
Best Speaker Cable choices for Solid State system
you may want to try the Linn speaker wire, it sounds very good and is not expensive, I too am not so convinced on expensive interconnect and wire, and have tried some, mostly interconnect, although I am always willing to listen. I agree with an ab... 
Tube amp with Vienna Acoustics Beethovens?
the VTL st85 is a very good value Ihave one and it is a nice amp and quite resonable, I would look for the newer version which has the triode option 
Are the MF308 and MC402 matching together ?
Iagree with the above...not technically minded but if it sounds are all set....the only way to hear a difference is to try another preamp like a Mac c46 etc. 
quicksilver amps and preamps any thoughts ??
Hello many thanks for the responses, sounds like people really like the gear, the horn monos interest me as I have Khorns,but also have B&W cm4s and Linn Ninkas, is there a better all around amp for all...say mid monos anybody heard those ?? 
What does listening to a speaker really tell us?
The folks at Linn have always touted, the easier it is to follow the tune the better the system. I def. agree with that, whether or not one thinks that their equipment does it the best is another issue. Anyway the list of audiophile jargon is endl... 
Considering audition of Plinius 9200 and McIntosh
I think you hit the nail on the head about doesn't "blow you away" but son of a gun it does draw you into the music.....every time. 
Considering audition of Plinius 9200 and McIntosh
have heard tons o Mac, never heard Plinius, good comparison...anybody heard them both ?? 
Linn Ikemi vs Resolution Audio Opus 21
wow this is what makes the audio world go round, I have had a few hi end players at home, including the ayre, which I liked,but preferred my Ikemi, thought the ayre sounded very similar to the consonance 2.2 tube player,never heard the opus though... 
Mac 252, 353, 402?
85db speakers can suck dry alot of amps quickly, I use my mac gear with 89db and 90 db speakers,works great,also use it on my khorns,also works great. 
Mac 252, 353, 402?
what about their ss int amps the 6500 or the 6900. Have you heard those ?? Their amps are great but it depends on the preamp too, I have a 252 with a c46, they are excellent together. 
Cables for McIntosh Equipment
hello I own a gaggle of Mcintosh gear, right now I am using ,modest interconnects. Linn and some inexpensive monster...I am getting fine results, not so sold on expensive interconnects yet, have tried a few, nordost...not much difference in sound,... 
Thoughts on the Supratek Chardonnay
if there are some failings with any products,let us hear them from the people who have owned them...nespas ??