
Responses from superhonestben

Naim Cd Players
I tried Naim cd5, cdx2 and even anxps2....they just didnt do it for me...not that they were bad, they weren't. I just found them too electronic sounding...and a cdx2 with an xps2 is quite expensive...I found myself when listening to Naim cd player... 
BAT vs. Mcintosh?
this is a good one, I own a fair amount of Mac gear and am curious to the BAT sound, never heard it though, at this level, you must hear them in your house,maybe tough to do but is the only way. 
Mcintosh C41, any thoughts,compared to c45, c46
thanks for the input,good advice. 
Older higher end or newer mid-fi...better bargain?
In my opinion a good amp is a good amp regardless of when it was made, same with preamps etc, they may need a service, such as recapping Naim etc, but it is all on how it sounds. 
Not much buzz about BAT lately?
I think 5 or 6 pieces on display is good, something in stock would be better, I mean is everybody buying blind ??The dealer I am talking about didn't have anything on demo and the amp I was interested was only 1500 retail...thats NOT what i call "... 
Not much buzz about BAT lately?
typical of hi end audio, new line comes out, gets great press,then the press moves on, I do read the mags,but I never follow what they say,I just take it with a grain of salt, they are in the business of selling magazines,to do that they have to k... 
PS Audio GCC-100 vs Bryston B100
the store that I fequent really likes Bryston and they are a MLevinson dealer,haven't heard the bryston int, have heard the Mlevinson int, didnt like it all, they sell alot of vtl preamps with the bryston amp too. 
B&W 805N\Mac ma 6900 good match or mistake
should be a great match, I have B&Wcm2s and they smoke with Mac tube hear and a MC252 ss amp, the Mac sound is very lush and full with good dynamics and detail, it wont jump out at you but the more you listen the better it gets,alot of stuff w... 
McIntosh C-2200 Preamp
I have had mine for about 4 months and love it,"bright and lean" are def. not the words I would use, but we all hear what we hear, I find it very open and lush and musical, nice flexibility and dead quiet...I use it with both solid state and tupe ... 
VTL or ARC ?
hi I like VTL,own a 2.5 and a st85, had a arc vs 55 found I preferred the VTL. the 2.5 is one of the great bargains in hi end audio...just a killer for the money. 
Amplification Recommendations Please
VTL it 85 is rock solid and a great product, so is the 2.5 preamp 
Broke and still not happy
the whole point of this forum is to share ideas and opinions,we don't have to agree, my opinions on hi end audio are founded from first hand experience...listening to the equipment in my home. I have heard quite a bit of gear in my home, not just ... 
Broke and still not happy
The reason i say this is because i do listen to a wide range of music, from Aerosmith to mary black and lots in between. I play drums and have been in a few bands, have also done a full length,pro recorded cd in Boston,my point is we don't know wh... 
Broke and still not happy
I dont agree with that,music is music,rock, jazz,pop,classical etc...a good system should sound good on whatever type you play on it,sure some systems might shine a bit on quartets or full orchestral, but a real hi end system should sound good, ve... 
Broke and still not happy
I would star over and start simple, forget expensive interconnects and wire, start with basic cable, you hear what you hear, I have owned aheard in my house lots of hi end gear, some sounds good, great and awful. I have tubes and ss. Try to fund a...