
Responses from stuartk

Let's talk about Silver...
I've experienced significant variation re: brightness with silver cables. An Audio Art digital cable was very much the opposite of bright and Acoustic Zen silver ICs were definitely on the bright side, which worked great with one set of components... 
Jazz Mount Rushmore
@lloydc These opinions are mostly biased toward bebop and later. After jazz mostly lost its way. ... and Rock lost its way after Elvis, I suppose. . .       
Source for high quality jewel cases
@ervikingo  Yeah -- I've run into a few but pretty infrequently. I'm not a fan of the cardboard digipaks, where more often than not, the CD is shoved into the slot with no protective sleeve. Simply removing them risks scratching the disc -- a re... 
Source for high quality jewel cases
@ervikingo  I've had issues with the lift mechanism loosening and falling out of the case. Maybe I've just been unlucky. I don't see why there would be stress exerted on discs unless the center post is too tight. Some other reason I don't know ab... 
Can we make major musical discoveries at age 50, 65, or 80?
@devinplombier So, not only is the soundtrack of our youth a limited pool in the first place, it also dries up as time progresses... One exception is when we revisit / rediscover artists we hated back in the day... But all the same, thank goodn... 
Reaction to possibly the best live rock performance I've heard. Grand Funk
@1111art If you’re young this’ll show you why us old farts are so hard on most current music. It doesn’t get much better than this. I’m 68. Presumably you and I grew up with the same music. We were extremely fortunate to grow up at a time wh... 
Recommended for Americana Fans: Amanda Ann Platt and the Honeycutters
@slaw  FYI, I like Ryan Bigham's voice a lot. Haven't decided about his songs, yet.  I have a love/hate relationship with Jerry and the boys. When the playing is tight and in tune, it can be magical. When it's sloppy and out of tune, I have very... 
Recommended for Americana Fans: Amanda Ann Platt and the Honeycutters
@slaw That particular album is quite a stylistic potpourri, which for me, makes it more difficult to categorize. "Reflections" and "Garcia" are my favorites when it comes to his solo ventures.     
Can we make major musical discoveries at age 50, 65, or 80?
@bassbuyer  I keep discovering new music and new artists after 50 years of listening.  I don’t think they have the same impact as when I was younger but what does. When you're young, you're like a piece of undyed cotton. When you're older you'... 
Where are the front men? (Rant)
@n80  I'm certainly not above making mistakes. I don't agree that "generally", female vocalists have lousy material, though, if by "generally" he meant most female vocalists.   I liked B. Howard with A. Shakes, too . . . and Allison Russell when... 
Where are the front men? (Rant)
@singintheblues  You are dismissively lumping all female vocalists into a single category -- "soppy crap"?  Wow.  That's a pretty extreme philosophy.  FYI, I'm not a fan of D. Krall, either, but that doesn't impel me to ignore all female singers... 
Recommended for Americana Fans: Amanda Ann Platt and the Honeycutters
@slaw Do you mean Jerry’s solo album "Reflections" ? The Dead were clearly very much influenced by Roots genres such as Blues, Country, Bluegrass and Folk but also by other genres (not to mention their experimentation with psychedelics). I’d su... 
Can we make major musical discoveries at age 50, 65, or 80?
@grislybutter You’re welcome! sadly, it looks as though the US version of the DVD is no longer available (on Amazon, at least). But perhaps you brought a DVD player from Hungary with you? That Caledonia Soul Music track you posted reminds me so... 
Can we make major musical discoveries at age 50, 65, or 80?
@oberoniaomnia Yes; I know what yummy and adolescent mean, separately. What wasn’t clear to me was what, specially, you intended to connote by using them in tandem regarding music. It's still not clear, but never mind.   
Can we make major musical discoveries at age 50, 65, or 80?
@mksun  It's Too bad Allmusic no longer offers the listening feature but I still use the site  along with Spotify and youtube.