
Responses from stuartk

Please Suggest Approaches to Perceived System Darkening
@erik_squires:"Another possibility is if your relationship to the tweeter axis has changed. Are you now sitting lower or higher than before? Did you toe your speakers in/out more?"As a matter of fact, yes-- I have been experimenting with adjustme... 
Please Suggest Approaches to Perceived System Darkening
Yikes. Guess I'd better get that done. Thanks, russ69!  
New In 2021
   Yes, J. A.-- I have the most recent (1 CD + 1 DVD) version. I have no complaints about the sound-- what appeals to me is the prospect of getting to hear more tracks!   
New In 2021
Thanks so much for mentioning the David Crosby/ "If I Could Only Remember My Name" re-issue, J. A. It's one of my favorites from that era/genre and will definitely be picking up a copy !   
Inexpensive, neutral-to-warm sounding SS headphone amp?
Thanks, freediver.I gave up tubes in both guitar amps and audio amps years ago.I seem to have bad luck with tube gear compared to others and am no longer willing to deal with the headaches.  I do appreciate your contribution, though!    
Bad recordings and high end audio
"Be careful here. It should read: Good recordings will sound better and poor recordings will sound a lot better than they would on a bad system".Maybe for vinyl but not in my experience, when it comes to CD playback, nor has it been the case for e... 
Bad recordings and high end audio
@daydream816:"My initial thoughts are to pair a tube preamp with a SS amp. So many variables it is overwhelming , however I figure I need to start somewhere lol. "I don't know what your budget is but if you do not have unlimited funds, something... 
Bad recordings and high end audio
I don't see that you mentioned your source-- vinyl?  CD?  Streaming ?If we knew this, it would be easier to make suggestions. As mentioned, the better the sytem, the more resolving it will be-- in other words, the more information it will deliver ... 
Is today’s contemporary music lacking?
@kennyc:Tools for exploring music: A Spotify membership. It's free, if you can tolerate the ads.Also, check out the All Music site and the No Depression site. Finally, there's a ton of music on YouTube.Other forum participants may have additional ... 
Is today’s contemporary music lacking?
@danager:Thanks for posting that link.I will definitely check it out and hopefully, others will as well.  
Is today’s contemporary music lacking?
@kennyc:On other threads, bdp24 and I have suggested Americana as a genre that features many highly talented musicians and singer-songwriters.PM me and I will do my best to point you in some directions to explore. @millercarbon:You are correct, in... 
What are your top three live concerts of all time?
Top Three:Richard Thompson at an old refurbished church in Portland, Maine... early 90's. Best of the best. Oregon at Campbell Hall, UCSB, late seventies. Dave Holland Quintet-- Yoshi's, Oakland. They should've used THAT show for the live cd-- it ... 
Speaker Wire for Popular Budget System
What is your source ?Is it bright as well?  
Can the need for novelty and change be mitigated by rotation?
"I believe that "audio nervosa" is real and plagues hobbyists to the extent that it robs them of the ability to enjoy what the machinery they own can reproduce". "What is this need for novelty and change? The need for better I can understand. The... 
What do "audiophiles" use to judge equipment?
@three_easy_payments:"OP's question dismissed out hand. How dare you inquire whether you can just use your own ears and emotional response to the gear you're auditioning! "I'd ask you to more closley examine the OP's question  "Are there any othe...