

Responses from stringreen

Most Neutral Furutech Power Cable
In my experience, the plugs make the most difference by far.  Therefore, I use the very top (carbon fiber) Furutech plugs with Neotech wire...made the cable myself (very easy) never heard better. 
Disappointing On Mcintosh......help
Cydrone.....you're exactly correct 
MC cartridge loading: still baffled
too bad Michael has retired and went to Florida....I always enjoyed talking with him.  I'm using an Ortofon with Ayre, and after experimenting (a pain with most, but Ayre has those screw in connectors for resistors) I found 10K to sound better to ... 
Agostino Progression integrated amp
Funny what your dealer told you......I head from others who have heard it that it was bright.   ...don't know what speakers, and/or if it was the same dealer.  Let us know your thoughts after listening. 
Japan Trip - Looking For Shopping MC Cartridge Recommendations
I just came back from Japan and China....   Prices are high and you have no assurance that you get the real thing 
confused and don't know what to do
I don't think you can get real high end from a 5.1 receiver.  I use a Denon for the 5.1 and have a high end system in another room entirely.   
To bi wire or not bi wire
I biwire....tried with and without....biwire sounds better to me.  Why not try it yourself 
Fidelity Research FR-54 Tonearm. ANTI-SKATE???
Which combination of components (Streamer, DAC, Preamp, Amp, etc.) are most future-proof?
Nothing is future proof...life goes on 
Will this hold my 63 pound black beauty??!!
My 130 pound amp is on the floor between my 2 speakers...no better place 
Vandersteen 5a, 15 years old vs. new Vandersteen Quatro Wood (upgrade or downgrade)
I don't think so.  I have 5A's and love them.  I heard the 5A carbon which has the updated carbon tweeter....  maybe a bit cleaner/clearer, but not by very much at all.  My wife could hear no difference. I'm using Ayre equipment...don't know your ... 
Frustrated with Vinly
I'm  with longoriam I'd recheck the setup.  My phono is nearly as quiet as my cds 
Recommendations for a good power conditioner? Do I even need one?
In my system, I never met a power conditioner that didn't have warts...Grey was the worst. 
Why are brick and mortar HiFi dealers so bad?
I agree with 2leftears (above) 
Which of these power cords ?
Make your own and get better sound and save money.  ( I wouldn't overlook those Wireworld Electras from hctf *(above)