

Responses from stringreen

Need help with IC upgrade Cardas Golden Cross
Try Anti-Cables.. I really love them. Cardas WILL smooth out rough sounding components...because they omit that information. My suggestion is you get better equipment and not try to find filters to omit the faults. 
Excessive woofer movement with a VPI JMW 9 ?
You need a different cartridge.. 
Modern Shahinian Obelisk
If you're going to get speakers why limit yourself to Obelisks. Listen to everything in your price range. 
Need Some Advice regarding interconnects
Spending more on cables does NOT guarantee a better sound. You can try the various good cable companies...even try their top of the line silver multi-thousand dollar interconnects. You might like it, or not...but it will give you an idea what is a... 
premier headphone amps
Checkout Headphones.com...I know no better place for advice and products 
Low freq. rumble????
..sounds like the wrong cartridge for that player.. 
Old fart needs help with speakers and power req's
Let me say firstly that you can not rely on magazines for advice. I have heard very excellent equipment sound awful when strung together without listening to how they interact with each other, and your room. ..also, don't buy cheap watts...they us... 
Ayre pre + subwoofer
I'm running a K1xe...yes you can 
Ohm speakers
Sure...Tech HiFi brings back pleasant memories...so do Ohm A speakers which had a big 15 inch or so driver firing into what I think was a sealed box, so just the ripple side of the speaker provided an omnidirection wave...I remember being very imp... 
Ayre v-5xe or parasound jc-1’s?
Ejlif...just wondering if you were using balanced out preamp to balanced into the Ayre amp... 
VPI Scout Hum
VPI has its own cables...they probably work.... 
Ayre K1x/e owners - your listening levels are...?
Rapogee...if you are questioning me, the only gain changing I did was to the phono pre section. I'm using the lowest usable gain that I can - Ayre told me that the phono stage is increasingly better as you ask it for less. I'm using balanced (as e... 
Ayre K1x/e owners - your listening levels are...?
..it depends.... mine is at about 7 or 8 using the Ayre C5xemp when its playing most CD's. When it plays SACD's the volume knob is on 12 or 1. When on phono...1 or even 2 
Pre and power amp for Vandersteen 3A Signature?
Ruffipennis...Isn't that interesting.... I have Ayre V1xe/K1xe with Vandersteen 5A's...had the Ayre cables in my system which was absolutely horrible. They are built by Cardas, and anything Cardas attached to my system is a definite downgrade. My ... 
Speaker Question...first post on the gon
Chadnliz...what do you mean that Vandersteens don't play loudly? Mine get louder than I would want to listen to....and too...in what part of the hall do you usually get tickets? Dynamics in the 1st row are way different than the middle of the hall...