

Responses from stringreen

Vandersteen 3A sig , on the naked
...just as an aside.... MAYBE only Richard Vandersteen knows Vandersteen speakers better than John Rutan at Audio Connection. He is honest, fair, and someone with whom you can really count on for the truth. I have been a hifi nut for the better pa... 
Speltz Anti-Cable VS VH Audio CHeLA spkr Cable
Charding....I'm using their interconnects as well as their speaker cable with great satisfaction. They are absolutely silent, even with the volume up and my ear against the speaker. 
Any tube rec's on Vandersteen 5's
Unless your room is smallish, you should be thinking of more watts. Get the best amp you can since the Vandersteen 5 series is a true reference speaker. Have a Vandersteen dealer set it up properly. 
Dynavector 20X or Grado Sonata for VPI?
I have found the less you ask of your pre, the better they sound. I would do a Dyna or Benz med. output cartridge and ue the MM input. You might have to turn up the volume control, but that's of no consequence. 
looking for phono suggestions
Hi Bill....get your Rega off of its rubber feet. Use Cardas Blocks or points. That alone is a great improvement. Get the arm rewired, and change to a dropped counterweight. This too will make you smile. Try my first suggestion and then see where y... 
Dynavector 20X or Grado Sonata for VPI?
Grado Sonata was very musical, however, I felt that there was a brown haze over everything. It wasn't that noticeable until I compared it to my Benz LP. 
Question for Pure Power 1050 users
Yes..you will need power cords. No other wire is so influential on the total sound. 
MC Cartridge Degaussing Demagnetizing
Regarding Fluxbusting.... When you turn on the device, it does its job and then stops. The end of cycle is the actual turning off the unit and then switching to the other half of the cartridge to demag that. What I do is disconnect the unit from t... 
Parasound JC3 or Ayre P-5xE
Ayre products are a different level. They all are balanced designed and therefore should be used with balanced interconnects and connected to other balanced equipment to get the best from them. They will work single ended but its a shame not to ge... 
MC Cartridge Degaussing Demagnetizing
I have a Fluxbuster (old) and use it about every month or so. It DOES make a difference on my Benz Ebony LP. Some cartridge manufacturers don't approve of it because they use wire that connects the pins to the coil that is so thin and delicate, th... 
Would I benefit from a headphone amp?
Sure would...that's always the way to go 
high output cartridge for vpi scout
Call Harry at VPI....he will be your best source of information. 
Anti-skating problem
L-shaped rooms are a bitch to get right. You might have to change the position of your speakers as well. 
Can you hear matched power cables?
I disagree that evaluation of a system is best done with the same power cords. I have made sets of power cords using acrolink cable but with Furutech F1 ends, and Oyeida ends. I have an all Ayre sytem except for the speakers which are Vandersteen ... 
loading resistor question
Jazzgene....I asked the manufacturer of my preamp - Ayre for a resistor ...they sent it to me free. Works great.