

Responses from stringreen

Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds
..my take on your suggestions Glai.... Boulder amps have grainy highs which will mercilessly be revieled by the Diamond's tweeter. Rowland has a more polite sound (maybe a bit rolled off) which will not bring out the best in that tweeter. Ayre is ... 
Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds
Peter...what are you talking about....Im suggesting using these interconnects. 
Free speaker tweak that's a must do
Ed...this isn't always a good thing. For instance..the B&W 800 series drivers are mounted loose with the use of foam plastic gaskets. By tightening the drivers, you squash the gaskets and the speakers are not operating as designed. 
Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds
Hi Peter - If you already have a K1xe...and don't feel the need for monoblox, try using Anti-Cable's new Reference balanced interconnects. I've just got a meter pair and am amazed how it simply removes hash and junk that stands in the way of the s... 
Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds
I would limit myself to the best amplification...Ayre and Audio Research since you have such revealing speakers. If money is an issue, either of them have great support facilities so that buying used would not be an issue. 
Parasound JC2/ Aesthetix Calypso/Ayre K-5xe - Help
Ayre equipment love to work together. They are better together than each of them are separately. Be sure to run them with balanced interconnects for best performance. 
Power cables for Conrad Johnson and Vandersteen
I tried lots of powercords, and my personal favorites are those I made myself from parts bought from VHAudio. Furutech ends with Acrolink cable. Does everything I need it to do. 
VPI Classic 1 use of the cork mat
Lighter fluid is a great cleaner for removing glue residue..and it quickly evaporates leaving nothing behind. The hardest thing about it is actually buying lighter fluid. Few people smoke now. 
VPI Classic 1 use of the cork mat
The best option for making VPI tables sound the best they can is to get rid of the minifeet, and screw in heavy brass feet with no "give" so that the table is absolutely immovable right down to the center of the earth. I use Bearpaws (Vermontaudio... 
VPI Classic 1 use of the cork mat
VPI platters are designed for no mats. The unit is yours, so if you like it fine. 
Dead Can Dance New LP "into the labrynth"
Reading this post made me dig out my old original Dead Can Dance Albums. They are all state of the art in vinyl recording production. They are dead quiet, clearly recorded with tube equipment...that's not to say they are rolled off. The little per... 
Do you think you need a subwoofer?
Everyone needs a powered subwoofer...if you have one, you need another...if you have 2 you still need another. Richard Vandersteen and I were discussing this very point. Woofers are the prime user of power from the amp. If done correctly, powered ... 
Do you think you need a subwoofer?
Everyone would benefit with a powered sub....amps run cleaner just having to power the mids and highs, and the sub can be tailored for the room 
Does Mcintosh MC75 drive B&W 802D well?
I don't think it proves enough juice. The tonal propeties are probably fine...rolled off highs, but those speakers need more power 
JMW 9 maybe likes to track carts lighter
Regarding the Shure Bros. scale. If you weigh put the scale at the very beginning of the platter..with the front "feet" off the edge, it is remarkabley accurate.