

Responses from stringreen

Cartridge Experts
No, a longer cantilever doesn't necessarily mean more mass. All variables must be taken into account when designing ANYTHING including cartridges. Magnet strength, flex, mass, suspension compliance, resonance, etc., etc., etc. That is what makes i... 
Driving YG Carmel's
Tube amps would be the best way to go. The highs can be very unnaturally bright with solid state. 
Ungrounded power cord: Will I die?
How do I install my cartridge?
The most frequent accidents in installing a cartridge is tearing off the clip on the end of the arm wire. This is because people try to put the clip onto the installed cartridge pin with a pair of pliars...it slips, and off comes the clip. I have ... 
VPI JMW 12.5 counterweight upgrade
The VPI arms now have a lowered counterweight as you describe. 
Shielded phono cables
I experimented with tonearm cables. I had the exact cable with shielding and without, and it was clear that the shielded one had a closed in sound as you describe. I am using the LPS on a VPI with absolutely no hum/noise, even with the volume cont... 
Can Anyone Recommend a Good Speaker ?
Anything with the name Vandersteen attached 
Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?
Ayre C5xemp Very satisfying 
Best tube preamp ever
There is no such thing as "the best". All of these preamps are in the top category...(my personal best is the Ayre preamp)....Before you put down the big bucks for these jewels, listen and decide for yourself. 
ACR Ref 110 - Regular feet or couplers?
Actually, all that stuff changes the sound differently. You should use your ears and decide which if any of these things is your preferance. What one person may like with his/her cables, electronics, speakers, room, etc. you may think of different... 
Mcintosh with Ayre pre-amp
Your Ayre would sound best used balanced...and there is a certain synergy when you use their amp and pre together. 
Mcintosh with Ayre pre-amp
Why don't you get an Ayre amp?? 
Vandersteen Supreme Support
Originally, I bought the speakers from John at Audioconnection in New Jersey, and he did an excellent job of setting them up for me in my home in New Jersey. I have since moved to Arizona and took the speakers with me. I paid a former Vandersteen ... 
Vandersteen Supreme Support
There are 15 knobs that one can vary on each 5A. I turned 13 on each speaker. The speakers are set up differently from each other except for the contour adjustment which must be kept the same or the phase is out of adjustment with each other. Thes... 
Sota+SME IV=Ugh !!!
Grados are colored with a kind of pixilated presentation.