

Responses from stringreen

Changing Turntable to Balanced Output
balanced shmalanced..........unless all your components are differentially balanced, you will not get the improved performance.  
A new way of adjusting anti skate!
My Ortofon tracks well without a/s....no need for it.  
amplifier longevity
I have my Ayre stuff for about 12 yers or so.....never a problem.   I sent the amp back to Ayre for a look-see........they sent it back without needing any repair  
Anybody use a single ended component with one that is balanced?
I guess I wasn't clear....if you have differentially balanced components keep the XLR connection....gives greater dynamics, cleaner, clearer, immunity to cable sonic variability, etc....not only is it louder.   If you're happy with your single end... 
Does a cartridge that has been in storage for an extended period need play time…
how long was it stored and where was it stored.   I'd send it back to Grado and have them take a look.  Grado's are very musical...  it should sound good  
Struggling to spend 13k with three dealers
Call John Rutan at Audio Connection in New Jersey.....he'll be responsive and make you smile.  
Anybody use a single ended component with one that is balanced?
Don't put single ended and balanced cables in the same system, unless they are not differentially balanced.   All the benefits are lost if done like that.  
What combo would you choose and why
I would (did) get all the stuff from the same manufacturer.....they will work well together  
van den Hul Colibri - Recondition or leave it alone - how to reach vdH
VDH has a very flawed reputation.  
What do audiophiles do in their cars?
I have a Burmeister (expensive) sound system in my Porsche sports car....the only time it sounds good is in the garage with the engine off.  
New turntable
VPI at your. preferred price range  
FM Tuners
I had a Fanfare FT1 and liked it.  FM is not good in this area...can't put an aerial on the roof  
Selling off Tubes for Solid State, A Cooler Love Story?
Modern solid state is voiced  midway between the golden sound of tubes and the crisp cleanliness of s/s  
Sonus Faber surprise
You're used to the sound of the previous speakers.   You'll enjoy your new ones better after a few weeks.  
Townshend Maximum Supertweeters
Aging audiophiles?