

Responses from stringreen

Experience with XRCDs
I have the LP......great recording, wonderfully produced.  
Replacement for my Benz Micro Ruby
I had a LPS.....great cartridge...used it with a VPI 10 inch and 2nd pivot  
What can I do to improve my 2nd system?
get headphones with a dedicated amp....will be better sound than your current system.  
I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?
Go to live concerts  
Why do these Zyx Fuji and Airy 3 have such a dark sound?
On my Apple notebook, the CD sounded best.....the Soundsmith was disappointing, as well as the Benx.  I had a Benz LP which was wonderful for me.  
VPI Aries 3 Questions - Looking to make a switch
I have Superscoutmaster/rim drive/classic platter/vpi 2nd pivot arm/on Bearpaws very large brass cones....aside from changing belts.....no problems....all good.  
Balanced vs RCA between amp/preamp
My Ayre electronics sound better using the differentially balanced outputs/inputs than the RCA's  
Technics 1200G VS VPI Prime Signature
I have a VPI with 10.5 arm....very dependable...never needed to have had it repaired....Using Winfield cartridge.  All good  
Is my anti-skating too strong.
Im with Ozzie on this one.  I track my Ortofon a hair heavier just for security, but it sounds better without a/s to me.  
Got a screw loose?
I have a screw loose (4). This post is simply venting.   I have Vandersteen 5A's. the batteries have to be changed every 4 years...it was time. (now with Lithiums, change in 10 years)  Out came the bass amps, the crossovers, and the input filters... 
VPI Aries 3 Questions - Looking to make a switch
Get a Classic platter.....the SuperPlatter sounded dead on my Superscoutmaster.  
How important Is shielding with RCA wires? (Ethan Winer, new video)
I find shielding closes in the sound  
At a given price point, better to go late vintage or modern?
I own Vandersteen.....and had Thiel 3.6....also great.   I don't know your amp, but would say either speaker could use better electronics.  
Recommended S.S. amp type for TANNOY 15'' speakers
Im a big fan of using the same amp/preamp  
What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?