

Responses from stringreen

Veblen Audio Goods
Audio Arteries?? 
What are some smaller names that compete with the big names in Audio?
Be wary of small companies....they can go out of business tomorrow (or later today)....no hope of support.  The reason why the bigger companies are bigger, is that they have found success.....I know - support the little guy...but I would gladly se... 
Buy nothing until you know it will improve...bring delight to your music.   I would listen to your current system .....go to concerts, enjoy life. 
What is more accurate: magnetic anti-skating, or barrel weight attached a fishline?
Sunnyjim.....Although I greatly admire Perlman, he's not my favorite interpreter.   ..a wonderfully nice man, but I prefer Kuijken's 4 Seasons.   You probably will have to get a used copy...I think it's out of print, but he plays it with gut strin... 
Any Bluetooth wireless speakers that you like?
not to hyjack the tread, but just saying that I use Sennheiser wireless headphones ...they sound very much (but not exactly)  like my Sennheiser 650's...range is phenomenal...even outside the house.  
Clear Day vs. Triode Wire Labs speaker cables
..another positive and happy user of Clear Day cables. 
What is more accurate: magnetic anti-skating, or barrel weight attached a fishline?
Thom...you probably know this already, but VPI’s Antiskate gizmo is the only one that I am familiar with, that can be set to progressively add or remove a/s either toward the beginning, middle, or end of the rescord....simply by rotating the devic... 
preamp for vandersteen Quatro
Dam....I wish Audio Connection would open a store here in Arizona.....makes me long for my New Jersey residence. 
Cable Controversy
That's why (for instance) changing the wire in your speaker cabinet is like designing a new speaker.   I spoke to Vandersteen who agonizes over all the different wire that goes into his speakers to make them what he wants them to be. 
What is more accurate: magnetic anti-skating, or barrel weight attached a fishline?
Stefani...no...you can only use your method and have it work only for that particular second of the record....it will change an instant later. 
What is more accurate: magnetic anti-skating, or barrel weight attached a fishline?
bifynne...no twist...just use my ears.....you always use too much and too little simultaneously.  There is no way to properly adjust for a/s.  ...a loud section of the record needs more, soft sections need less.....how much you say?,,,  that depen... 
What is more accurate: magnetic anti-skating, or barrel weight attached a fishline?
Nondric....your post regarding your Triplanar without A/S has rt channel distortion is suspect to ME.  That doesn't sound like the kind of distortion one would get from too little/no A/S.  Application of A/S applies more force to the left channel ... 
What is more accurate: magnetic anti-skating, or barrel weight attached a fishline?
Why is everyone so fixed on Anti-Skate?   I use no antiskate at all and find the sound more open and free than when I use antiskate...but it really makes little difference....the use or non use is equally wrong....it is impossible to properly set ... 
5% THD to .000 THD SOUND
Everyone should forget about specs and simply listen.  The ears are the best tool for evaluation. 
What in the world is going on.....
Thecablepro.....thanks for your interest and suggestions..I am using a VPI Superscoutmaster with rim drive, Classic platter, with BearPaws (large brass cones) which replaced the original feet. The arm is the VPI 3D plastic arm into which I have an...