
Responses from stonedeaf

Why do Audiophiles feel the need...
I do find that while I take knocks with a grain of salt - I do pay attention to endorsements of particular products and /or services. When someone says I owned and used X for X or XX years without a problem and enjoyed it - that's IMHO important i... 
Audio Do do with 40 years experience
How about hooking up a stereo pair of subwoofers out of phase - two weeks ago - very puzzling until I went to unhook everything. 
musical fidelity a3.2 blown left channel, repair?
You know your roomies ( and their friends) -if you think they blew 'em - they should be up for the cost of repairs. Disconnect amp from power and speakers - remove covers - if you know what a fuse looks like -look for a blown one in one channel- t... 
HDCD music suggestions???
Bunch of Joni Mitchell's recordings were re-released as HDCD -are clearly marked as HDCD.So are a pile of Greatful Dead recordings. Seem to remember Red `House and Rhino had quit a few.Years ago someone published a list of HDCD encoded CD's - ther... 
Enigma Subwoofer 1980s
These things came with detailed setup instructions -produced really nice tight musical bass.Have heard them mated up with things like stacked Quads and the combo worked! Not sure if they would be particularly appropriate or effective for dinosaur ... 
Bookshelf Speaker for vintage Marantz 2230
Paradigm Studio 20's. Own v-2 and v3's - probably going to try 5's once they hit the used market.Sold 2230's back in the day - remarkably good sounding for the era. You might be surprised what a difference shooting contact cleaner into anything in... 
what temperature setting for how long?
Having been in the record business years ago - the dirty little secret here is that if shrink wrap is applied tightly to the record ( it almost always was because if applied loosely the records tended to tear out the shrink wrap when handled)- thi... 
No Sound From Cartridge Unless Volume WAY UP
If it's got a removable stylus - is the stylus seated all the way back into the cartridge body? If not that - check pinouts? If still nothing - borrow a ohm meter and measure the resistance (Ohms scale) between the + and - of each channel - plus p... 
DAC, amp & headphones 1k
Benchmark DAC-1 - really superb headphone amp with two outputs.The headphone capability of this product is not a afterthought .This replaced my long time EAD DSP-9000 Pro in my main system. The nice thing with these is that there are a fair number... 
Why do Audiophiles feel the need...
I think a lot of us have a tendency to overgeneralize. We have owned X number of tube amps or moving coil cartridges or planar speakers , etc. For most of us this will rarely exceed a number that can be counted using our fingers. From this limited... 
Vinyl beginner frustrations Azimuth and VTA
VTF: About 35 years ago I worked a Shure cartridge clinic with a engineer from the Shure factory. Folks could bring in any turntable and cartridge and we would inspect for stylus wear and set up their cartridges using a test record and oscilloscop... 
Vinyl beginner frustrations Azimuth and VTA
This is one of those skills that can have a definite learning curve - I know on a internet forum this will not be a popular idea- but do you have a reasonably close B&M dealer who you could pay to set this up for you -while you watched and got... 
UPS on DC controlled tables?
Yup it's dirty - but it's voltage stable. Certainly wouldn't want to do this on anything I was listening thru - but on a DC controlled TT - all I want is stable speed -if I feed it a solid stable voltage on it's input - it should output a stable s... 
Tubes and Paradigm?
Have been using both Quicksilver Kt-88's and a ARC D-90b to drive Paradigm Studio 20's (v-2 and v-3) -both are very pleasant and very detailed combinations. 
Technics 1200MKII Burning Smell
Cigarettes anyone? Since these things were the T-34 of the turntable world -a lot of 'em spent time in bars back in the smoke'em if ya got 'em days.Have serviced several that had been brilliantly cleaned up at some point - but still smelled like s...