
Responses from stevecham

most effective bass traps
Lenrd traps by Aurelex work just fine for me and are very effective. Plus, they don't cost and arm and a leg anddon't look too bad if you get the charcoal color, after awhile they blend into the room. 
Wilson Sophia II vs. Thiel CS3.7
Well can't help for many of the questions you asked but have listened to Wilson Maxx 2 and Watt/Puppy as well as the Sophia in a variety of settings. I have not heard the CS3.7s but own the CS6s.I would choose Thiel over Wilson any day simply beca... 
People come together during hard times
At 51 I am convinced that for the most part, music lovers and musicians are good, kind, generous and caring folks. I am suspicious of people who tell me they don't like music. Fortunately, I meet very few. And there can be a great amount of person... 
Krell 700cx monster vs Bryston 14/4bsst/10bLR 2way
That Krell is in a whole different class of amp than is the the Bryston. But you will not get all the performance it is capable of with that preamp. Also what are your sources?I had a 4BST and then 7BST and now a Krell 400cx. The Brystons can't ho... 
'they blew'em off the stage'
Steve Morse Band opening for Rush Worcester, MA 1985(?) for the Power Windows tour.Morse and Co. did a version of Dazed and Confused from the second half, the instrumental section, that nailed absolutely every note and nuance of Pages studio versi... 
Where are you today?
SS as always for the main, SS to tubes back to SS for second system; third small system is all tube. 
Music Hall 7 owners
No longer using the clamp 
Intregrated Amp for Thiel 2.4 s
Well after the fact...Hooked up my Musical Fidelity A5 integrated to my Thiel CS6s for fun and was impressed at how well they drove these speakers. Not quite as full and dynamic as my Krell 400cx but at reasonable levels, nearly as so. And the MF ... 
Parasound JC-2 character?
My close audio buddy has JC1s and Vandersteen 5as and I have listened to music on his system extensively. What makes a difference are the upstream sources, not these amps. They are neutral, powerful and have everything you could ask for. They will... 
Does Anyone have Quadrophenia on Classic Records?
Well yes, but in a different way; on side two of the 200 gram version on the second to last track there is a pressing anomally of a rotational tick and static which drives me nuts. Unfortunately, I was away on much business travel after it arrived... 
Do you have a secret "guilty pleasure" recording?
Bread's Greatest Hits on vinyl. I waver between leaving the room and then there are these moments of compositional brilliance. Oh well..suffice it to say it doesn;t get a ton of heavy rotation, but once in a while...It Doesn't Matter To Me is so s... 
Music Hall 7 owners
Initially I changed out the Goldring stock cart to a Shelter 501 mk2 and now run a Lyra Argo i. This much improved the overall tracking and sound (I am now a big fan of Lyra carts). I also use a None-felt platter mat with Speed Mat with the Speed ... 
Lack of depth problem
I get the best results by beginning with positioning the speakers facing straight ahead and to the nearest mm from the front wall (the wall behind the speakers that you face). Then incrementally toeing them inward to get focus without losing the w... 
Has anyone lost their best friend?
And, perhaps it is the experience of such "voids" that shows us why it so important to value that which makes us truly happy. 
Has anyone lost their best friend?
Dapom, know that you are not alone.Last year we lost our 17 year old Persian who, we are convinced, had a fine ear for music. Whenever I would sit down for a listening session, he would jump up and sit with me on the arm of the sofa, always facing...