
Responses from stevecham

Directional interconnect cables
Carl109 nailed it. Electrons displace in both directions, that's how the electrical signal is propogated throught the wire; they have to move in both directions to send the AC (i.e. music containing) signal.Hey, if our speakers and eardrums had to... 
Using two channel amps as monos?
I did this experiment many years ago for a relatively short time with two Parasound 750 stereo amps powering Paradigm Studio 100s V1, using only one channel of each amp for each speaker. It was OK but then I upgaded to a Bryston 4BST stereo amp an... 
$300 used preamp to match my rotel?
Go with a used Rotel pre and that way you'll have a matched set for when you decide to upgrade both pre and power. 
Can anyone recommend a Phono Pre Amp?
Years ago I was loaned a Phenomenon while I waited for the phono pre I had ordered. I had this for a couple of weeks and liked it, neutral sound, quiet, got the job done. Good value for the money as is the Musical Fidelity pre. But now I have two ... 
McCormack DNA-1- improvement over Bryston 3B NRB?
Why not a VTL amp to match up with your pre? 
Anyone compared Aerial 20T and Eggleston Andra II?
Audiolui,I guarantee that if you move away from Thiel (or Vandersteen) that, provided you are driving them correctly now with high current amplification, within a period of 2 years you will be craving for phase and time coherence once again.When t... 
Warm Preamp
conrad johnson makes some of the warmest and sweetest sounding preamps around.Also the Rogue Metis received excellent reviews.I enjoy the Krell KCT and it provides all the warmth I could ask for.All are US made if that matters to you. 
Pure class A amplifiers = "slow" amplifiers?
Slowness is a function of the source. What are you using? 
Anybody Into St. Germain?
We have both Tourist and Boulevard; my wife is French and often introduces me to contemporary music from France. I like them but still prefer Massive Attack when listening to that genre. Also Kruder and Dorfmeister from Germany; the K&D sessio... 
Impressions of Beck's New album?
Great 33 minutes of music and I am happy that Beck favors quality over quantity this time around. Inventive and kinetic with excellent sonics and soundstage. His best since Sea Change, which is also my favorite, Mutations next. 
CD player for Mcintosh/Krell int amp
"Krell cast is a trick pony for installers..lossless but not very musical sounding."You win the prize to date for greatest Krell bash statement I've heard in a long time.Obviously you have no real or long term experience with this equipment, eithe... 
Pat Metheny Fans, Great Suggestions Please ??
First Circle on vinyl. 
My favorite Steely Dan song has to be...
Gaucho - speaks volumes about the LA celebrity scene and became the next dark chapter after the Eagles' Hotel California. A brilliant track compositionally and lyrically. 
Rush fans on the board ??
Moving Pictures 
Meridian 508.24...sound compared to newer players
I've owned my 508.24 since late 1997 and, except for replacing the laser once in 2001 it has worked perfectly since. Recently A/B'd against my friend's Parasound D3 it was not as bright in the highs D3 but did extend into the bass a bit further. T...