
Responses from stevecham

From Thiel CS6 to Wilson Sophia 2 or 3
Moving from Thiel to Wilson is a step in the wrong direction in my very honest opinion. Why would you sacrifice the superior frequency response and time and phase coherence of the Thiels with high order crossovers in the Wilsons?From Stereophile m... 
Great Organists in Rock
The late, great Richard Wright. Also, one of the finest synthesists of our time. It doesn't always have to be fast and furious to be virtuosic. 
Wow, everything posted for sale is ''light use''??
The key is to look at a buyer's/seller's feedback and have a real time conversation with the other party before committing to ANYTHING. I have purchased both excellent, accurately represented equipment here and also mediocre that barely scraped pa... 
Best new tube amp under $1500?
Find a CJ CAV50, this is one of the finest US made tube amps. 
Anyone heard the Krell KCT Preamp?
Dancer: the combination of the KCY and 400cx is an optimal one and you will be pleased with the results. Please let us know how this turns out when you have the system in place. 
PS Audio: Power Plant Premier. How much ....
I run my CJ CAV50 tube control amp from my PPP and this sounds more dynamic and three dimensional than from the wall. 
A "pop" masterpiece...
I would also add How Dare You? to the list of 10cc top albums. And I guess then The Original Soundtrack also needs to be added to the list as well. 
How long it take before your system/amps sound
One half hour or so and all is sweet. 
Thiel 2.3 vs 2.4 the real difference
That 2.4 mid/high driver is very different from others manufactured by the company. There is no electronic crossover but instead a physical transfer is designed between the two drivers (common coil used) based on the polymer that couples/uncouples... 
Album Of The Year 2011
Bon Iver - Bon Iver 
How to "break-in" new speakers??
It's not a destination, enjoy the journey. 
I run my Squeezbox Classic though a Cambridge 840c CDP accessing the internal DAC via coax cable. The 840's DAC is far superior to the Squeezbox'. This way I get the advantage of a great DAC for both CDs and Pandora listening all in one unit. Soun... 
Solid State CD Player under $2000
Cambridge 840c; plus you can use the internal DAC seperately for Squeezebox, etc. 
Looking for the BEST Version of Quadrophenia?
I have my original domestic Track records version I bought in the Fall of 1974, a Classic version, an MCA remastered and a Black To Black version. Next to my original Track records copy, the BtB is the cleanest, quietest and best sounding of the b... 
Suggestions---Interconnects, Speaker cabling
Mapleshade - 30 day trial period if you don't like em send em back. I have replaced the speaker cabling in both systems with their double helix cables and and quite happy.