
Responses from stevecham

Wanting to get into Vinyl - Need help
Congratulations on your decision! There are many folks here who enjoy playing vinyl so you're in good hands; lots of opinions too you can be sure. I have owned Rega P3 and P25 tables and currently own a Music Hall MM7, which I personally prefer ov... 
Wanting to get into Vinyl - Need help
Congratulations on your decision! There are many folks here who enjoy playing vinyl so you're in good hands; lots of opinions too you can be sure. I have owned Rega P3 ad P25 tables and currently own a Music Hall MM7. which I personally prefer ove... 
I have a MMF7 and use the Project Speedbox with it. Sounds marvelous. Highly recommended! 
Thiel 2.4 and Pass Labs Amps
I have a sense that this model of Pass amp will be ideal for your Thiels. I have the 2.4s and use a CJ CAV50 to power them and I love the quality of the sonic stage and envelope I get with this combination. That set up should sound amazing, provid... 
400-450Wpc Integrated to drive Thiel 2.3/2.4?
I power my 2.4s with a 45 wpc CJ CAV50 and I love the sound. I can get it plenty loud when I need to. These are moderately sensitive with a measured 98 dB figure so don't worry too much about power. It's the quality of the power that really matter... 
Interferences with EAR 834P Phonostage
On further thought, scratch that idea, it sounds more like a ground loop issue. 
Interferences with EAR 834P Phonostage
Could be one or more of the tubes is bad. Try replacing each at a time by substituting a fresh tube in each position. 
Source for tube shopping?
I go with Tube Depot. They have always shipped quality tubes that are well matched and quiet. 
Thiel CS 3.7 Owners and Room Size
I have the CS6s in the size room you describe and I so absolutely go fo it with the 3.7s. I get all the bass I could ever want. 
What contact cleaner do you recommend?
Good advice Elizabeth. I too use Caig very lightly about only once year but am happy with the results. Also use it on my guitar amps, pots and connections too. 
Upscaling Speakers, Downscaling Amp...What to Do?
Reading this thread and the initial premise for its existence, I am once again shaking my head.To avoid regret, one should NOT upgrade speakers while potentially degrading the quality of amplification rationalized by lower cost; this makes absolut... 
Solid State Phono Pre-amp Recommendations
The Lyra and JC3 are a great match up. 
What Turntable should I get?
Either of the VPIs 
Upgrading Fuses
Wow, after 4 pages of all this about fuses, I am really beginning to is so simple guys. If it makes a difference, then it does, if it doesn't or you don't care to investigate, then leave it alone. Why all the fuss and bother?The reason... 
How Do You Pronounce Thiel?
I met Jim and he introduced himself as (pronounced) "Teal."