

Responses from stereo5

Looking for a Replacement for AT VM740ML Cartridge
I second the AT VM540ML.  I purchased one and use it in rotation on my Technics SL1200G turntable.   For Rock, it is amazing and I think it sounds better than the cartridge you are using.  Yours seems to have tipped up highs. I also have a Shure V... 
Help :( Speakers making constant static sound I cannot figure it out
There are no rectifier tubes in your amp, it uses solid state rectification.   
XLR cable placement
I am a believer that the most important and best cable should be between the preamp and amp, then the most used source and so on.  
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles
Those speakers are the ugliest I have ever seen.  Unless you have a dedicated listening room where no wife or GF would dare enter, you will never buy them.  They look like pro sound speakers and I don’t care how good anyone says they are and sound... 
Black Ice F159 or Gold Note PH-10 ?
No experience with either but I do own a Gold Note Vasari Gold MM phono cartridge.  It sounds amazing.  I would buy the Gold Note over the Black Ice(formerly Jolida)because I owned a Jolida CD player 10 years ago and it was nothing but trouble.  I... 
Audiophile Equipment Repair?
@devinplombier, I do not own a motorcycle, I own 2 vehicles which I am not ever going to work on.  Where do you get off saying we should be able to fix our own stuff?  At my age, they aren’t even steady enough to solder, so by your thinking, I sho... 
Audio racks that can handle heavy components
I use the Solid Steel S3 series of audio racks.  It holds my 123 pound McIntosh power amp with no problems.  I believe each shelf holds either 125 or 150 pounds each and depending on the number of shelves the price tops out at $999.99.  I purchase... 
A question about trim rings around speaker drivers
@roxy54,  Sandy Gross, the desiger of GE Triton Reference speakers told me after I asked him at the 2017 RMAF. He was demonstrating their new subs at the time and I got his ear and asked. A few questions regarding the speakers as I was waiting for... 
A question about trim rings around speaker drivers
My GE speakers grills are very time consuming to take off, the speakers still sound the same as they did 7+ years ago and I will not fool with them.  If Locktite were originally used on the screws, I see no need to tighten them.   
Plinius A-150
I don’t see how a Plinius can be better than ARC Reference SE components you already own.   
Is it fine to connect a power strip with A/V to one input of the power conditioner?
You can use a power strip connected to your Shunyata PC. I am doing just that for the powered woofers in my Golden Ear Triton Reference speakers. I have a Hydra 4 with one speaker plugged directly into it. I am using a power strip plugged into the... 
For those who miss Geoff
@jerrybj , actually, I rather liked George.  Although he was too opinionated and loved to argue, I learned a lot of technical aspects of audio from him.  As far as Geoff, I always wished I could have smacked him😂  
Marantz SA-10 vs Marantz SACD-10
I have an Esoteric UX3 which is the same as an X3 but the UX3 also has DVD Audio playback. A good audio friend brought his Marantz SA10 over to compare. Both players were connected to the Aux inputs on my Mac C2500 tube preamp. We used the exact s... 
Accuphase e260
Accuphase electronics are built like tanks.  Very high quality.   
Is it fine to connect a power strip with A/V to one input of the power conditioner?
Yes, there will be no interference from the other components. I use 3 Shunyata Hydras in my main system.  One Hydra has a home made power cord which goes to my TV where I use a Blu Ray player.  The rest of my TV setup goes to a Audioquest Niagara ...