

Responses from stereo5

Cables for JBL L-112
@cfvogel I use the Canare 4S11 speaker cables with my JBL L100 Classic speakers. Not bright at all, smooth with great bass slam. I’m also using them in my main system with GE Triton Refs speakers.  
Record Store Day 2025 List
I’ll pass.  I have at least 100 unopened vinyl records I bought over the years that I never opened or listened to.  Always meant to but  just too lazy now.   
Turntable Mats for Technics Grand Class, "G" Series
The Oracle hard mat was recommended to me for my Technics SL1200G. I tried it but wasn’t really satisfied.  I’m back to the original rubber mat.  I no longer worry about such things.   
McIntosh Mac7200 faceplate
The only way to do it is to remove the glass faceplate, clean it and reinstall. There are YouTube videos online showing you how to do it. Good luck. Word to the wise, if you break the glass, the wait for a replacement is 6 months to a year. All th... 
Cables for JBL L-112
Canare 4S11. You can thank me now.   
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore?
I listen to FM stereo, all day almost every day.  Unless there is something specific I want to listen to, it’s FM  stereo for this old geezer.  I have 2 expensive tuners. One in each system and use both daily.  I have more than gotten my moneys wo... 
??? Anyone Running Active Speakers Driven By A Tube PreAmp ???
My Golden Ear Triton Reference speakers use an active woofer system.  I am using a McIntosh C2500 all tube preamp with fantastic results.  
Is it O.K. To Speculate Re: Company Stability Here?
I tried getting my Sony HAPZ1ES HDD player repaired which were still being sold on Sony’s website.  They basically told me to pound sand.  I basically told them I owned 2 of them and asked if they could reconsider, I was told I now had a unit for ... 
Would like to get more bass out of my B&W 801 series 2 speakers
Have you tried closing the drapes and seeing if the bass improves?  
SHIPPING speakers?
I have sold and shipped 3 pairs of Vandersteen speakers. I had the 2Ci, 2CE and 3A signatures. All three pairs were shipped in the original cartons via UPS Ground and insured for the sale price. I had zero problems getting them to the buyers unsca... 
Technics SL-1200 vs. Scoutmaster
I had a Scout for 10 years, a Prime for 2+ years and went to the Technics SL1200G and am loving it.  It is quieter than the VPI, the arm is a joy to set up and use and the bass is nice and deep.  I play more vinyl than ever before and I own 3 cart... 
Jeff Rowland, what happened ?
@glennewdick, well……..they do have very expensive cases😂😂🤣  
Pass INT-25, split decision and maybe option?
Prima Luna Evo 400 tube integrated or Evo 300 hybrid integrated.    
AB testing of power regenerators?? Ever do it?
A crystal AM radio?    
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover)
Frank Zappa, Burnt Weenie Sandwich