
Responses from steidlguitars

Any feed back on McIntosh C2300 va Cary Audio slp0
Phillyb, which pre-amp are you referring to? 
An honest opinion about upgrading?
I own the Rogue 90 and 99 and they drive a pretty tough load, Dynaudio Contour 3.4s. I've tried a few more powerful SS amps (Plinius and Bel Canto), and I've liked none as much as the Rogue. More bass control as expected, but the Rogue stayed. I a... 
Please recommend a musical sub for me
I'm hardly an expert, but after a similar hunt I wound up with an SVS SB12-Plus: stands for sealed box, which while not quite plumbing depths as low as ported boxes, many seem to prefer sealed ... 
Used tubes question
Given the seller's good feedback, I suspect you'll be fine. I too have bought lots of old tubes with no real issues. Old signal tubes rule. 
Speakers for Onkto A-9555
I have two friends that own the 9555, which I think is a terrific value. Both have them paired with Paradigms, one with Studio 60s that should fall in your price range.With some amps, the Paradigms can be a bit forward sounding, but with the warmi... 
Speakers and vacuum tube gear
Rsasso,With 75 watts/ch, you can drive most of the speakers available. It would help for you to describe the type of music you listen to, then others can make better suggestions.As offered above, tubes are happier when the impedance curve is prett... 
Good "warm" CD player for $500
The Jolida player sounds like a good fit, plus you can roll tubes to taste. I'm using Amperex orange globes in mine and like them quite a bit. 
Recommendation on IC's and speaker for this system
I agree with the Kimbers being bright, at least for my tastes and my rig. One IC that I find more musical and still priced reasonably (esp. used) is the Acoustic Zen Wow. I also use AZ Satori speaker wire that I like those a lot too. 
Tube amps under 1,800 for gallo 3.1's
You can bypass the pre-amp section of the bel canto and drive it with a tube pre-amp; I did and I think is added some of the elements you're seeking. Many options to consider, but I use a Rogue 99 (NOS tubes) which probably falls on the lusher sid... 
Jolida JD100 and Arcam FMJ CD36 or CD37
I own the Jolida and it is a very good player. It is certainly not the last word in resolution, but it is musical and warm (my preference as well). I replaced the stock tubes with NOS tubes and the improvement was nearly astonishing. I don't know ... 
From tiny Silverline's to slightly bigger PSB's
My take is exactly in line with Bondmanp's. I have not heard the Synchrony line, but I've never been too crazy about the PSBs I have heard. In contrast, I think the Minuet is a remarkable little speaker. All of that is to suggest that you listen b... 
stereo reciever for sonus faber grand piano Home
I have not A/B'd the Bel Canto and the Outlaw, but I have heard them both. When I heard the Outlaw, I remember thinking it was good _for the money_. Honestly, however, I think the Bel Canto is in a whole 'nother league, but that is just this guy's... 
stereo reciever for sonus faber grand piano Home
For the price, the Onkyo A-9555 is very good. A friend uses one to drive a pair of Paradigm Studio 100s that are not an easy load. It does quite well I think. As Johnnyb53 mentioned, class D amps offer efficient power for cheap. I use a Bel Canto ... 
Anyone heard Cary 303/300 after 400 hours burn-in?
I'm pleased to hear that others have had good success rolling tubes. In my Rogue amp and pre-amp, tube rolling has been effective and fun, but none of the 4-5 NOS flavors I've tried in the CDP (RCA clear tops, black plates, Mullards, and a few oth... 
Anyone heard Cary 303/300 after 400 hours burn-in?
I own a 303/300 and find it to be a very fine player. I am a tube guy, so I was somewhat surprised to find that I prefer the SS output to the tube output, despite having tried several flavors of NOS tubes.