

Responses from stanwal

Why are modern arms so ugly?
Form follows function. 
DIY Speaker question
If you cannot get the surrounds fixed you should talk to Madisound, they sell a wide range of drivers and could advise you. 
Sansui Turntable - Best one to own?
Unless you are set on a one brand system you can do much better elsewhere. The Sansui is likely an OEM from another company and I don't remember any of them being that good. 
Audiophiles are older than dirt
I had the only good one they ever made; the SL-2 or something. B&W used them to demo the origonal 801s. I was a dealer for them and used one to drive mine; finally sold it with a pair of them. Most of their home amps were way bright. 
Advice on first MC cartridge
AT 33EV, I had both it and the Denon and sold the DL-S1. 
best speaker cables for Martin Logan Spires
When my friend had them he used Cardas GRs with Mac amps [275, 402]. I have not heard them with Rowland. 
Details for bi-amping
The sensitivity of an amp is how much voltage it requires to drive it to full output. For example my Meridian 605s require .5 volt for full output; my CJ 350 takes 2 volts. Since the tweeters will take much less power to drive than the bass sectio... 
Details for bi-amping
You do not need two preamps. You can use Y connectors from a single set of outputs, that is what I did when I biamped. Use good quality Ys. It is not clear if you are using 2 matched pairs of amps or 4 different ones. In the first case you will ne... 
Thorens TD-2030 and SME V
You might want to look at a Rega RB 1000, which is competive with the V and should fit easily. Also you would save a lot of money. 
What will raising the Va of atransformers provide?
I might add that I was one of the origional Krell dealers and have also sold Class A amps from Musical Fidelity and Stax. I had a preamp with a custom power supply using 2 Avil Lindberg torrodial transformers and very large caps built in the early... 
Do you understand the words to the Mus U listen to
I googled Mondegreen and got this: http://www.fun-with-words.com/mala_mondegreens.htmlHas some of the above and some other good ones. 
Do you understand the words to the Mus U listen to
What about " A girl with colitis goes by"? I remember a article by William Safire in which he said that a friend had named these kind of mistakes "Mondegreens". This is from a misheard line from on of my favorite songs, the Scots ballad "The Bonne... 
What will raising the Va of atransformers provide?
Dcarol, why do you think it does not? A true chass A amp draws 4 watts ALL THE TIME for each watt of output. So a 100 watt a channel amp will draw a constant 800 watts from the wall. An AB amp idles at a few watts and rarely draws its maximum curr... 
step up transformer on cd player
Since the step up draws 110 from the PPP I don't see why it shouldn't work; I have a PPP myself. The only way to tell if the transformer effects sound quality would be to play it direct from 220 and then through the transformer from 110. I would t... 
Acoustic Treatment on rear wall
I don't think you need 4" panels behind you. They are mostly for treating bass problems. I would use 2" and a couple at least rather than one.