

Responses from stanwal

Jasmine vs Musical Surroundings Nova Phono Pre-Amp
There is suppose to be a MK 3 Jasmine coming soon according to my friend who is waiting to buy one. I already have an expensive phono stage but if I was buying one under $2000 I would get the Jasmine. 
Why none of high-end speakers offer Speakon?
Is it that bad? Yes. Most pro gear is designed to stand abuse first and foremost; sound is a lesser consideration. I guarantee that GOOD recording studios DO NOT use cheap high powered amps. Check out some of the forums run by serious recording en... 
Experience with Metrum Octave DAC
From Dec 16th I think so just about 8. I am using MIGs under mine and they make a considerable difference. Well worth the wait IMHO. 
Experience with Metrum Octave DAC
Mine came today. Right out of the box the best digital I have had. 
Where to get good hifi deals
My main source is Audiogon; second is ebay. Have gotten some very good things on the latter but exercise care. I have dealt with MSS HI FI; had no problems but apparently others were not as satisfied. I am not a HT expert so I will defer to others... 
Futura Amati
There is an excellent review in the April-June 2011 issue of HIFICRITIC which has impedance curves, frequency responses, energy decay patterns etc. If I was at all interested in the speaker I would purchase that issue, or the review if it is sold ... 
Anti-Skate Grace T/A no weight now???
I ran this combination for a while and removed the anti skate mechanism entirely [ In fact I can no longer find it]. When I changed to a Graham 2.2 I left it off that also. I have found fooling around with AS is more trouble than it is worth; YMMV. 
Is there any truth to this question?
Does a bigger amp always sound better? No. Can a bigger amp sound better? Yes. Are lower powered amps simpler and easier to make sound good? Yes.Do you sometimes need high power? Yes.The "BEST" power amp in any given situation is determined by a s... 
Alternatives to Synergistic Research Tricon Phono
It is taste and system balance; the Cardas is fuller, richer and a little more laid back while the J&C silver was more forward, brighter, and with more apparent detail. My Graham silver with WBT RCAs sounded close to the J&C. If your speak... 
I didn't know VPI ever made stands except for turntables. Good stands do make a considerable difference; only you can decide how much they are worth. 
Toroidal vs. Non-toroidal Transformers
Toroidal s are generally considered to have superior performance; at least in solid state gear. When I had some custom gear built years ago I used them. I knew more about them then than I do know so I won't try to reconstruct what I thought but I ... 
Low vs. High Output MC Cartridges
This has been covered ad nausium but the simple answer is that not all phono stages can handle a low output MC but about all can use a high output one. MOST think that sound of the low output is better if your phono stage can handle it; some like ... 
Which aftermarket Power Cable for Quad 12L Actives
Shunyata Venom if you are buying new; 3 from Galen Carol are under $300 if I remember correctly. Used PS Audio are also good; I have bought the same cords new and used and never could tell the difference. They do make a difference. 
Grills ON or Grills OFF?
You know, one of those things you cook on at tailgate parties. 
B&W 801 questions
I use to sell these back in distant past. If I had a pair now I would look for some stands for them; when recording companies use them as monitors I always saw them on stands. Some companies use to make dedicated ones for them; may still.