

Responses from stanwal

idler wheel vs direct drive technics impressions
Ps The new VPI drive system is the ultimate extension to the idler principal in that it drives the OUTSIDE of the platter instead of the inside and can therefore use a much larger drive wheel. I am again becoming an audio dealer and intend to try ... 
idler wheel vs direct drive technics impressions
Have it professionally set up BUT only if you are sure that the person knows exactly what they are doing. I use to be an audio dealer and set up a lot of them. But I don't see as well now and would have mine set up if I knew someone good. But be w... 
OK to have power amps powered w/o spkrs.?
Stupid me, I forgot the obvious, ask the manufacture of the amps. 
OK to have power amps powered w/o spkrs.?
I would not think it would bother any modern amp to run without a load. If you are worried why not get a couple of resistors and connect them to the outputs? You are not feeding any signal to them so I don't see what good they will do outside of r... 
Spendors SP-100 R.....anybody heard them ?
I have the older S-100s, which use the same drivers. They are very good but since I don't know the Avalons I can't comment on the differences. I have had Spendors since I brought what were probably the first pair into the country. I have used many... 
One sub, a two channel system ,one HT reciever ??
It is reasonably simple. When you use the line level in and out you are using the crossover and rolling your main speakers off at the subs crossover point. When you use the speaker outputs you are NOT rolling off the main speakers. In theory the f... 
what are the thoughts of stand alone super tweeter
I also studied psychology, undergraduate major , Graduate work at Chicago and 2 years of Psychoanalytic training and I recognize certain symptoms in your responses which lead me to the conclusion that it is you who cannot brook disagreement with t... 
what are the thoughts of stand alone super tweeter
My Doctoral research area was the History of Science , I also have a Graduate degree in Theology from the University of Chicago. I consider myself somewhat knowledgeable about what constitutes an observation. Raw sense data is in no way an observa... 
SS Preamp suggestion please
There is a Classe DR 5 with no phono stage for $550 listed currently. I sold them at one time and was very happy with them. Preamp design has not advanced much in some time ,at least not in components in the real world price range so going back to... 
what are the thoughts of stand alone super tweeter
In my last post I failed to give a complete guide to the article. It is Archive A10DO WE NEED AN ULTRASONIC BANDWIDTH FOR HIGHER FIDELITY SOUND REPRODUCTION?Martin Colloms, Colloms Electroacoustics London, 2006 It is found on the AUDIO CRITIC mag... 
what are the thoughts of stand alone super tweeter
It might be helpful to look at the paper by Martin Colloms on his web site. He is the author of HIGH PERFORMANCE LOUDSPEAKERS as well as being a speaker designer and audio critic. It is too long to reproduce but in part it states:2.5 Anecdotal Con... 
used vs "Giant Killer"
YES. You get what you pay for (hopefully). When you buy used someone else has already payed half the cost. I have been an audio dealer off and on for 40 years and there is one thing I can tell you, no matter HOW good a piece of equipment is , ther... 
Musical Fidelity A5.5 and speaker recs?
I recommend Spendor speakers , there is a pair of SP-1s available for $825 now. Or B&W 805s are also good. I would buy the amp used and save about 50%. All the MF amps are good, I just bought a NuVista M3 myself. I was a MF dealer years ago an... 
Amp for Quad ESL 57
I was a Quad dealer for years and sold a pair of 57s to a friend who has had them 32 years. I just visited him and he is using a rebuilt Heathkit amp by Foster Blair which sounded as good as anything I have heard. Classic tube gear rebuilt by Fost... 
what cd player to buy
I have not owned either of the units but have had other products by both companies. They both should be good and give years of service. Try to hear both on equipment like yours or ideally try to take one home. Universal players are likely to be go...