

Responses from stanwal

Room: 16 x 18.5 how big of tv?
Get a 50". Almost no one ever says they bought one that was too big but a lot of people regret not buying a bigger one. I got a 50" 720 Panasonic for the living room and my wife picked out a 42" 1080 Panasonic for the bedroom. The 50 was $1200 and... 
How to connect two amps with one source?
I would not use a cheap one. In the past when I was a dealer for them I had Audio Quest and XLO make up ones for me. You can try Signal Cable and Morrow and others to see if they would make them. The chain is no better than it's worst cable so if ... 
Audio Output Cables to Preamp
A good HDMI is available from MONO PRICE for $9.95. Better ones are much more expensive so you might want to try this first. I don't agree that any IC will work but you don't have to spend a lot, look at good used ones on Audiogon. If you want to ... 
Watt Puppy 7 needs new or used Amp and Pre-amp
Used Musical Fidelity integrated amps would have plenty of power and sound very good. The NuVista M3 , which I use, or the later similar models are excellent amps and are very reasonably priced for their performance. I am an audio dealer but I don... 
Dk design mkii or musical fidelity A308 for KEF
I would go for the 308. 
Phono stage gain
You could check with AR for their recommendations. 
Stereo Subs - Do they need to be identical?
I have found no correlation between size and performance in subs. My subs have 10" and 12" drivers and go very low. The idea of a big slow cone for a woofer was prevalent when I got into audio in the early 60s. Then you had the Electro-Voice with ... 
Anyone used the jennings cd stylus scale
I got one. It didn't work. I got it from SaveOnScales. They have a phone number but when you call they refure you to their email site. I have been unable to get that to work either. Be warned. 
budget lcd or plasma: 720p good enough?
I bought a 50" 720 Panasonic this summer at Costco for $1200 and my wife just got a 42" Panasonic 1080 for $900 and I can't tell any significant difference on Direct Tv. Actually, mine has a better picture because I am using a better HDMI cable. I... 
Jazz at the Pawnshop - LP
It was also available in a premium edition originally , to the best of my memory. I was a dealer for Audio Source, who I believe imported them. Anyway I use to carry them. 
CD player connected directly to Amplifier?
If the player was made to drive a power amp directly, not all are, then it should give the best sound in that mode. If it sounds better with a tube line stage then: 1, the output stage of the CD player was not of good quality or 2, you like the eu... 
Phono stage for newbie...
Tube BOX SE just got a very good rating from HIFICRITIC, which does not take ads. Much better than the Graham Slee Revelation + Elevator EXP which was rated at 26 points or the PS Audio which was less than that while the PRO-JEC was 49 points, so ... 
Hi-End Electronics to drive B&W 804S speakers?
I would look at Musical Fidelity. They have a high power output which the B&Ws like and sound great. 
Help with Speaker Selection
In regard to Ehider comment I believe that the Magnepans , like the Quads, are bipolar rather than dipolar. That is , their forward and backward radiation is IN phase rather than OUT of phase as in a dipolar. A cursory internet search supports this. 
best sub for spendor s8e and 2500 c feet room?
If you are going to roll them off that high what is the use of having them? If you want real bass for low dollars look at the older passive Hsu subs that are [as of last night] listed at $350. They produce REAL bass at 20 Hz and are easy to drive....