

Responses from stanwal

Koetsu vs Dynavector
I have used neither of these cartridges despite being, as a VPI dealer, able to get the Dynavector at a favorable price. I have used some of their predecessors and can agree that they are going to sound quite different. Also the room and character... 
Tube Phono-Stage question.
The ProJect Tube Box 11 SE was tested by HIFICRITIC, which takes no ads, and did very well, outperforming the Graham Slee and PS Audio among others. Its score was 45 as opposed to the PS's 15 and 20something for the Slee. Don't use the subsonic fi... 
IMHO, not enough gain in my Phono stage
Put an attenuator in the line from the CD player if the difference bothers you and you are not having noise problems. Otherwise the Creek 15 phono stage or at a higher price the ProJect Tube Box 11 SE. 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
The racquetball platform dates back to around 1980, I use to make them using pieces of slate I bought from a company that made pool tables. This works even better than plywood but I have no idea what it would cost today. I recently made one with a... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
The transistor amps will not give you what you want , in my opinion. I have been a confirmed user of transistors since I built a Heathkit in 1963 and was a Quad dealer for 15 years. Transistors are undoubtedly faster on cone speakers , because of ... 
How do Digital Amps Mfrs. compare in sound?
SONICS "Immediately good/refreshing sound" (how Class D is commonly described... at first) can be a very superficial thing. How many times was the sound of some gear (or music) you are long term happy with NOT necessarily so good at first ? B. NEW... 
Rel Storm III Subwoofer with Custom Neutrik Cable
I had a custom cable made for my Stadium and REL was able to advise me how to connect it; call them. 
Musical Fidelity A300 or A3.5?
I would check to see if the a300 is more fully dual mono than the 3.5. MF changed what they called dual mono from one that had two transformers to one that had separate windings on the same transformer and I think it was between the 3.2 and 3.5. L... 
Pass Labs X1 owners
My unit was an integrated amp so it was impossible to decide how much of the improvement was due to the separation of the power amp form the power supply and how much the preamp. But the better cable was definitely a large improvement. 
Pre amp match for Bryston 4B ST
I would put my money in the speakers. The 104/2 was good in its time but much better ones would be available today for the $3000 + what you could get for the 104/2s. 
VPI super platter upgrade with JMW 12.5
Talk to VPI first and then decide. 
Pass Labs X1 owners
I ordered a new umbilical cable for my Musical Fidelity M3, another 2 box unit, from Sweetcome in Hong Kong and it made a considerable improvement in sound. Bear in mind that all parts on a commercial product, even good quality expensive ones, are... 
Speaker Cable for Krell and Kef Loudspeakers
The 8TC is very likely the best buy in high end cables. My Cardas Golden Reference is better but you would need a government bailout for that much, especially if you biwire or triwire. I would get the Kimber in 100' lengths and make up my own. 
Do I need a cartridge with more than .3 mV Output?
If you change look at the Pro-ject Tube Box SE 11. In a direct comparison with the PS and others it got a score of 45 as opposed to the PS's score of 15. See HIFICRITICs web site, look under Colloms listings. 
Sub or Amp
Get a REL or similar sub that takes the signal from the amp output terminals. If you have the amps next to the speakers and they are widely separated it will be a little harder. You could also get a custom adapter made to give 2 line level outputs...