

Responses from stanwal

where to place equipment rack?
There is no real rule here, it is usually dictated by circumstances. As you already know there is a conflict between avoiding placing the rack between the speakers and having short cables. Mine is placed between the speakers because my dedicated l... 
Possible to use Subwoofer with Onix SP3
Yes if you use a sub with high level inputs. You run these from the amps SPEAKER outputs. REL will do this, I think Hsu and others also. 
B&W 801 vs 803s
But beware, some of the more "accurate" and "revealing" speakers can be very tiring in long listening sessions. I liked high power SS on B&W. Bryston, GamuT, or Musical Fidelity come to mind. The main question is, do you like the 803s? The oth... 
headphone amp
Creek makes good SS ones. I use one of their SE ones with my 600s. 
VPI Classic---Denon 103 won't fit on arm??
It works well for me, the compliance of the 103 is not that low. The tests of it in the 70s and 80s recommended a 6-16 gram mass arm. I have seen the classic Japanese detachable head shell arms of 20 grams + recommended on the grounds that the arm... 
Anyone using the TW Acustic Raven or AC in ATL?
There must be; I have seen 5 other systems here in Louisville and 2 of them have Ravens. Must be a skewed sample. 
VPI Classic---Denon 103 won't fit on arm??
I have a 103 mounted on the standard 9" arm and it is hard to see how the 10.5 would be different. Contact VPI and make sure, 
B&W 801 vs 803s
I also had 801s.If you like the 803s you will like the 801s more, they are considerably better. You room is big enough but remember they like a lot of power. 
Lead Shot Substitute for Loading Speaker Cabinets?
My wife said much the same thing.LOL. 
Cozi fan Tutti, EMI or Angel Records?
I have many Angel recordings, none are as good as the EMI recordings I have, I would always get the European pressing if I had the choice. This is true of just about every label I am familiar with. 
Amp to match Musical Fidelity A3.2 CD pl
Why not a matching 3.2 amp from MF? Would work with a wide variety of speakers. 
Subs for
I would use a REL or similar and cross them as low as possible. A friend of mine is trying out one I bought recently with Quad 57s. He has gradually lowered the crossover point to 25Hz, which is the point I use with my two RELs with Spendor SP1s. ... 
Whirring sound in Scoutmaster motor normal?
I haven't heard either of these, try the above and if that doesn't work call VPI. 
What VPI junction box do I have?
I use the Van den Hul The First Ultimate Screened on mine, works very well. 
Lead Shot Substitute for Loading Speaker Cabinets?
I am using Micro Bearings from Star Sound , which is like steel sand, VERY heavy and Attabits (sp?), small steel shot which is imported by May Audio. Both are not cheap, another thread on this suggested steel blasting shot, which I haven't tried. ...