Responses from sryeager
Half Speed Mastering Sbank- that’s interesting about Peter Gabriel. I have two of his albums, both just used copies for $10 or less at my local record store, and after good ultrasonic cleaning, they are among the best sounding albums I have. But my system loves that... | |
Chi-Fi in the Time of Self-Righteous Indignation. In my few trips to Southeast Asia, I always wondered about obscure, but clearly American t-shirts worn by Malaysians and Indonesians. Apparently, most clothing returns are not resold here, and end up on container ships heading overseas in route t... | |
Are the new Ohm Walsh speakers Audiophile quality? I’m not sure where my system falls on the “resolving” spectrum according to this forum, and I haven’t compared it to anything other thaN my prior components. But I am more than happy with a Soundsmith SSMC1 cartridge on a MoFi Studiodeck through ... | |
Are the new Ohm Walsh speakers Audiophile quality? Apparently the hold up on my 4-5000 upgrade was supply chain issues with the can material . It was well worth the wait, these rock. Dynamics are incredible. I’ve been revisiting bands like War, Talking Heads, Peter Gabriel. Actually they do e... | |
Integrated vs. Separates on a Budget +1 on the Rogue Cronus Magnum. I have the II and I believe the phono pre is improved on the III. I am using a separate phono stage because I already had one, but it was pretty good in the Magnum II. It has plenty of power to drive Ohm Walsh 500... | |
Best TT setup for 2k I found a used Musical Surroundings NovaPhonomena for about $500. I really like it and it has good reviews. My turntable is MoFi, and I’m using a Soundsmith B&O cartridge with an adapter. Totally satisfied. The MoFi phono preamp has good r... | |
Smart power supplies for turntable I have dirty and unstable AC coming into an old house with mostly ungrounded plugs. A vacuum cleaner will dim the lights a bit. I bought a used PS Audio regenerator and it made a big difference. I’ve got everything plugged into it except two sm... | |
Refresh Ohm Walsh 4s or Walsh 5000 upgrade? I wanted to post an update, because so often I read an older thread and never learn how it turned out. The 4-5000 upgrade speakers arrived. Apparently the hold up was the supply of metal they use for the cans. It took couple hours to get the ol... | |
Best Speaker Choice for my very "non-audio-friendly" Living Room My room is also audio unfriendly. Narrow and very deep. With no coherent back wall . One 40 something foot side wall is mostly glass. The other side wall opens into a hallway and kitchen. There is basically a floor to ceiling “island” in the mi... | |
If you had $2500 to spend on a new TT and cart.....what would you buy? Mofi turntable and Soundsmith SMMC 1 with an adapter. About $2,500. | |
Are most tube preamps ‘ultra linear’? I read this thread because I am new to tubes. Now I know a little about what ultra linear refers to. The condescension in this forum is at times amazing. Big fish in a shallow pond, I suppose. | |
Ohm Speakers and Services prices to increase September 1st True. I bought a local used pair of 4s off Craigslist after a bit of research indicated they might help with my listening room issues. I’m not looking back. Neither am I any longer considering room treatment to supplement lots of furniture. I ... | |
Budget Phono preAmp I have been very happy with a used Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena I got for about $500. It’s the battery powered one. | |
Power conditioner some say yes and some say no. The power in my old house, mostly ungrounded outlets, as well as the line coming in are atrocious. Start the vacuum cleaner and lights dim for a second. A used PS Audio regenerator made a huge improvement. | |
Mobile Fidelity StudioDeck Setup Issue I have a Studiodeck and just looked at mine. Unless the whole tone arm assembly isn’t fully seated down in the plinth, you may need to raise the pivot of the tone arm to get it above the cue lever. It’s kind of hard without pictures, though. |