

Responses from srosenberg

Db audiolabs Tranquility Sig vs Wyred4Sound Dac 2
i have not heard the tranquility, though there is a lot of positive feedback out there. i do own a wyred dac, and compared it directly to my weiss minerva and musical fidelity tri-vista 21. i preferred the Wyred over both... each had strengths (we... 
audio research dac 3 vs m-f trivista 21
i owned a Trivista 21 and liked it quite a bit. i agree with the descriptors here - balanced and smooth. another of it's strengths is the HUGE soundstage it throws. ultimately i replaced it with a Wyred 4 Sound DAC, which i preferred. 
Wyred 4 Sound DAC1 or DAC2?
@ Devilboy... i've owned both and sold the minerva. the wyred did everything the minerva did and then some. in my system, in my room, to my ears, it was clearly the better DAC. YMMV. 
what is the best, least costly DAC...?
@ Restock... "I do prefer the Weiss for it's slightly more even handed presentation and analog like quality."i found the exact opposite to be true, that is, i found the Wyred to sound more analogue and 'dimensional' than the Weiss. we've all got d... 
what is the best, least costly DAC...?
low cost is subjective... i replaced a weiss minerva with a wyred 4 sound dac which i much prefer. not sure if they are in your budget, but if so, you should certainly look into the Wyred DACs. 
Berkeley DAC vs Wyred DAC
hi rob,i replaced a weiss minerva - which i've read is close to the berkeley - with a Wyred DAC and have no regrets. i actually prefer the Wyred DAC to the Minerva. it's every bit as detailed as the minerva, but i find it's presentation less 'arti... 
Dac recommendations for computer audio
my front end is also computer based, and my wants paralleled yours - "The ability to deliver killer midrange with female vocals, a large soundstage and clearly defined instrument separation are must-haves". i would strongly suggest the Wyred 4 Sou... 
Wyred DACS
i've had a Wyerd DAC1 running for about a week now - previously, i owned Weiss Minerva and Musical Fidelity Tri Vista... the Wyred is my favorite of the three. seems to combine the best traits of my prior DACs - has the detail and resolution of th... 
Small DAC With Balanced Outs
Kijanki... thanks for the link and the additional information. my interest in this feature (standby) is of convenience, not to extend the service life of the component. since i am planning on placing the dac behind other components, not having to ... 
Small DAC With Balanced Outs
Kijanki... is this for all inputs on the USB model, or just when running with USB? i was planning on using Coax... 
Small DAC With Balanced Outs
Hi Roscoeiii... i am running a computer music server, but do not need to use USB - i can output optical, coax, firewire, or USB.budget is around $1k. thanks for the small options - i was not aware of those two but will certainly look into them. i'... 
Pass X1 and Rowland Capri Preamps
thanks for all the inputs, all. i do agree with the necessity of trying the component in my own environment and evaluating based on my personal predilections. in this case, i've decided to start with the X1 and see how it sounds, if for no other r... 
Lively and Dynamic SS Preamp...
@ Rrog and Tvad...my first inclination was a Pass X1 or Rowland Capri... nice to see them mentioned here. 
Lively and Dynamic SS Preamp...
"...my only issue is a bit of noise..."oh, also i'd like to have remote controlled volume. i can live happily with everything else, and actually enjoy the CounterPoint quite a lot, but would like a remote for the volume. 
Lively and Dynamic SS Preamp...
my current preamp is a CounterPoint SA5.1. it's extremely lively and dynamic - in fact, my rig sounds fantastic right now - my only issue is a bit of noise. I'm considering going to SS to find a preamp that is a bit more quiet, but don't want to l...