
Responses from spiritofmusic

Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Gsm, you might be interested to know, but the pair reviewed in the Audio Beat review are the ones proudly sitting in my apartment now. So glad that Roy Gregory liked them. Agreed with 99% of his comments, but parted company where he describes a hi... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Hey Warrenh, any news on countdown to your Def4s? Loving 'em more than ever. 
Speaker recommendations, budget $10-15K
Another vote for Zu Definitions 4. A really warm, dynamic sound. The warmth is not a euphonic colouration, but a function of their, IMHO unmatched, "tone density". Not short on transparency. A really holistic sound with detail never at the expense... 
Warrenh, Marc here. The Def4s are providing a real taste of happiness being at the apex of the long uphill climb to audio nirvana. I've been v.tempted to try all tubes like Phil recommends (Audion or Atmasphere/Dave Berning), but I'm getting a rea... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Radian tweeter is really critical in the extra performance envelope of the Def4s/Druid Vs. For top quality, wouldn't look lower down in the range.Re the Druid V/Submission v Def4/integrated sub bass, all I can say is that the Def4s have an amazing... 
Square room Soundstage??
Contact SpatialAudio.Com re Black Hole bass node attenuator, A subwoofer type unit with mic attached that puts extra bass energy into the room to counteract nodes. $1000, has made a significant imprvt in my system. Email them. 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Sticking for the time being with my tube/SS balance in Hovland HP200/Radia. There's so much transparency on offer thru the Def4s that I'm curious, but not driven, to hear Audion and Atmasphere. Unlike the slight dissatisfaction I experienced with ... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Phil, v.interesting discourse on supports. I suspect this in some situations will produce no discernable benefits, whereas in others may be a fruitful way to go.In my system, until now, I've never had luck in affecting the sound of my system signi... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
Lewm, yes, the Salvation is not more fussy re levelling than any other tt. It is indeed the arm that's most sensitive to this, as well as vibration. Was considering the tt/arm as a single entity. Careful setup really provides dividends. have been ... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
Hi Peter, I did the rounds listening to the top SMEs and TW Acustic AC3. There is a real tendency for these threads to become a sort of one-upmanship, which is REALLY not my intention. I absolutely was impressed by what I heard when listening to b... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
Hey Lewm, as per your request to mention the cons as well as pros of the Salvation to keep discussion interesting, I've done so, but as of yet no reply from you. Your input much awaited. If you have more to say, I can come up with even more disadv... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Phil, alongside the cap debate, there is growing discussion on improving support to the Def4s and DruidVs by replacing the stock spikes. One consensus appears to be the Starsound Sistrum SP-101s. I'm getting great results using a Symposium Acousti... 
Linear tracking arms
A third vote for the Trans Fi Audio Terminator T3Pro. I've been running it on Vic's Salvation direct rim drive tt for 6 months now. Absolutely amazing, the biggest bang for your buck in analogue, IMHO.It HAS to be set up optimally, esp. wrt being ... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Phil, my comment on the Zu 103's strident top end should have been amended to state just a hint of it. It was only apparent on very treble heavy material, or poor tipped up mastering.I can honestly say that all the basic qualities of the Zu 103 ar... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
If I never hear another Wilson/Krell demo where I'm 'taught' what to hear in the spectrum band, I'll die a happy man.I've always been amazed by the number of poor show reports given to Zu spkrs over the years. It seems the majority of reviewers cr...