
Responses from spiritofmusic

Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Phil, your answers are as informative as ever. Like you I have settled on xover at 38Hz, volume at 5. But for the life of me, in my situation, I am detecting no difference at all varying the settings re PEQ gain/PEQ frequency/phase. My room is pre... 
Soundsmith Straingauge SG-200 cartridge system
981, you must have demoed the S'gauge. It sure seems to divide opinion. My dealer rates it better than various Transfigurations and Lyras, others remain to be convinced. Can you sum up your thoughts on it, how it rates to other carts you're famili... 
Neodio Origine
This player is getting major plaudits in Hong Kong on the Audio Exotics forum. Any familiarity from A'goners on this unit? 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Warrenh, I'm notoriously fussy re audio equipment, often finding shortcomings or colourations in sound within weeks or even days of first listening. This can lead to some frustration, I can tell you!You may be glad to know, I'm as impressed with t... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Warrenh, good news. Hope your wife agrees! Good that you're calling in some favours getting help uncrating them. Make sure you have something you can stand them on, piece of plywood etc, since you'll be adjusting their position for a while before ... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
I am. He can contact me direct on marcski@postmaster.co.uk 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
I am. But on sending confirmation offering demo, I've heard nothing. Please resend or check with your man if he received it. 
Soundsmith Straingauge SG-200 cartridge system
Just resurrecting this thread. Will be auditioning the Soundsmith Straingauge SG-200 at the end of the month. At this point, I'm happy that my ESCCo modded Zu 103 is ahead of my previous fave, the Transfiguration Orpheus. Really curious to hear ho... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Phil, I see that both Sean and Christian of Zu have their Audion Black Shadow SETs for sale via Ebay, Zu moving over to SIT power amps. What are your thoughts on this, it seems strange timing that BOTH of them would be passing along their Audions? 
How Did you Uncrate your Zu Defiinitions?
Don't even consider doing this single handed. Two probs: one, there are no natural handholds, and the edges are really sharp; and two, the solid Al plinth is a weapon primed to scratch any floor it is dragged on. So to save your back from a long c... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Hi Morganc. I'm running my Def4s from a Hovland tube pre/SS pow combination, and am v. happy with the results, although I am tempted to at least audition SET power, viz. Audion Black Shadow, that Phil recommends.Can you be a bit more specific as t... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Warrenh, your new car can wait. It can only take you from A to B on the road; the Def4s will take you to a whole new destination. I've just had a pro classical musician (violinist) listen to my system, and he LOVED the tone of the sound produced, ... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Warrenh, it's not like you to sound so sanguine. You're normally one of the most enthusiastic contributors here. I have to say my dealings with Sean, Christian et al have always been friendly and business like, so maybe give them the benefit of th... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
That's a big shame, Warrenh. I wonder if all potential customers are having a protracted wait? 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Is there a problem with the A'gon spkr section? A thread for Polk fom earlier in month seems to be locked/frozen at top of listing.