
Responses from spenav

My Major System Upgrades in 2022 and Impact of Each
Good job. Enjoy it.   
Are there any more good multi format disc players out there?
@jonasandezekiel   Oppo made some nice multi-format players. Although they are out of business, there are plenty of used ones for sale like the BDP-205. I burned all of my CDs and SACDs into a Melco server so that I can get the best of both wo... 
Best new audiophile rock album
Nice album. Listening to it on Tidal now. Wow!  
Best tutorial for cartridge setup
Probably Michael Framer’s DVD.   
Coax or RCA question?
The DAC in the 8802 leaves a lot to be desired. I used an external DAC with mine. Your mileage may vary as everything is a matter of personal taste.  Ultimately, you are going to have to hear for yourself.   
Single vs Bi-wire Speaker Cable
Anyway you could buy both, try each one, keep the one that you feel works best and return the other one. Everyone will have a somewhat different opinion on this. It’s not very clear cut. Sorry.   
Class D Amplification Announcement
This is out of my league financially at $40,000. Add to that another 40k for a Nordost Odin Gold power cord and …well it would have to wait until I win the lotto.   
Does upgrading you system have to be on a logarithmic curve?
The last 10% is the most expensive 😀  
Purifi v Gan amps?
@mazian  Unfortunately, you are going to have to listen for yourself. No one can honestly compare two (really) Technolgies.  Within each one of them, the differences are going to be all over the place. @ricevs is right.  Pick two within your budg... 
Turn an Intel macmini into a music server
@mrjayvoper  Nothing wrong with the “figure 8 cable” per se. You just need a better one than what the Mini comes with. Pangea makes a good one for not too much money.  Hope that helps.  https://www.amazon.com/Pangea-Audio-Signature-Power-Cable... 
Turn an Intel macmini into a music server
Can be done. You will need at least a better power cable and software like Audirvana to get good results. A dedicated music server such as Melco is still better but the Mini is hard to beat for the price. I had fun with mine for a while.   
Replacement for my Thiel SS1 subwoofer
How about a Thiel SS2?  
Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad)
@ozzy62  +1    
Horizontal vs Vertical biamping
I got you. Take your time. Read up about it. It is actually simpler than it sounds. In your case, you can get good results using a two-way xover and leave the mid and high frequency drivers connected to the passive crossover. Look into Marchant cr... 
Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad)
@uncledemp  Contrary to popular belief, the people in your life are more important than your stereo.   Everyone here values their families more than their stereo system. When my grandchildren are around, I put everything on hold to enjoy them....