
Responses from spenav

Question for Lyngdorf owners
I had, to no avail. I got some clarification though from the AVS forum. Only XLR to RCA cables need to have pin 3 lifted. Balanced XLR to XLR cable are fine. Thanks.   
Redundant Internet
@erik_squires I feel your pain. That’s the reason I am paying $25 a month for cellular service on my iPad. I also have cellular on my home alarm system. I use AT&T and they seem reliable. Good luck.  
Best Buy Says Bye-Bye to DVDs
Their decision is purely business. They are not selling and take up space. The only way Best Buy can keep selling them would be to raise the price. I doubt the market would bear that. The whole Best Buy concept might be on its way out. People usua... 
Right way to connect a 2nd “extension” center channel speaker?
Given that you have an extra amp, you probably can try something like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SJ49ZJQ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details I use them successfully to convert my subwoofer to wireless. They work great and ar... 
New AV preamp setup
@mbarrett635    I had contacted Audyssey about it sometimes ago and they confirmed that there was a bug in their software. They advised that I double check my wiring and if confirmed correct to just click on IGNORE. It’s not you, it’s Audyssey.   
SPL Diamond - Review
I had to read all the way to the middle of your review to find out that you were talking about DACs. Not everyone is verse in all these names that you alluded to. But I am still not clear on your insistence that you control the volume through the ... 
Shunyata Omega Speaker cable and interconnect
It’s more expensive than caviar. Only a very limited number of people can spend over $100k to cable their system. I am sincerely happy for you that you are one of them. Congratulations, enjoy the fruits of your labor. I have to admit though that I... 
NuPrime Customer Service
@swvaaudiofan  Go to audiocircle site. There is a Nuprime category there and their representatives monitor the site. I assure you that he will help you with that problem.   
DAC Under $3000
@gnoworyta  Check this one out. Fits your budget and your taste: https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649991133-nuprime-evolution-dac-silver/  
Bookshelf Speakers Sitting On Dual Subs?
Vibration is a killer of high sound quality. I am not sure this is true. If you think about it, all towers, including the ultra expensive Wilsons, the Kef Blade etc have the woofers together with the rest of the drivers (albeit sometimes in sep... 
Dreamin' of streamin'
What’s your budget? People will soon start throwing names of equipment they have but that won’t be of any help to you if they don’t know your budget.   
How do I know if my systems any good?
@mahgister    Welcome back old friend.   
For those that have heard Dutch & Dutch 8c..
I am seriously looking at the 8C but I probably will keep my LUMIN X1 until at least I can be sure the 8C alone can handle everything flawlessly. Thanks.   
For those that have heard Dutch & Dutch 8c..
@willywonka  Seems that the DSP process happens at a later stage, so it won’t be disabled. Whether analog or digital, the signal is treated the same way. Both are manipulated in the digital domain. The analog signal is converted back to digital b... 
For those that have heard Dutch & Dutch 8c..
Thanks. I got it. Would it be then fair to say that if I get the 8C, I can get rid of my DAC without suffering any lost in performance. Thanks again for the quick and thorough response.