

Responses from soundsrealaudio

Esoteric C03 preamp or Mark Levinson 326S preamp- ANY and ALL FEEDBACK / HELP PLEASE
I would purchase a pair of Kubala Sosna Elation interconnects, ( you are missing out if you don't ) balanced and plug them in to the Bricasti DAC. Now if you want to try out a preamplifier you know it had better sound better with it then without i... 
A Dimes worth of Improvement
come on guys this is a serious post. If you don't have a couple dimes go to the bank. 
Do people really just not get it that their items are not selling...
whatjdI bet that felt good to tell us all about your " great equipment "  
Do people really just not get it that their items are not selling...
I think we all need a "price adjuster" who can inform us ( tell us ) what to sell our gear for. Much easier then to let the market decide. 
Do people really just not get it that their items are not selling...
whatjdsounds like you can't afford the gear that you are lusting after because you can't afford it. When I was recently in the process of purchasing a new house the ones I really wanted were way above my budget so I wrote them all a letter and tol... 
Preamp Input for Coincident system - Don Sachs, deHavilland, LTA, Joule Electra?
I had been a dealer for both the Joule Electra and the deHavilland. The Ultraverve is so much better. You can use it with the finest gear, speakers, amplifiers etc. and feel confident you are listening  to the music as good as it can sound. I have... 
I used to date Betty Jo. She had a good personality.... 
On their website if I counted correctly they have nine categories of speakers. The Reference, The Homage, The Olympica, The Sonetto, The Venera, The Chamleon, The Principia, and not  to leave them out, drum roll here,  The Special Edition. I did;t... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
I would take a road trip to one of the  audio shows around the country. 10K is more then a few dollars. You might as well listen to more then on or two pair. My first trip to the CES was all planned out. Listen to the speakers that the reviewers s... 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
The problem is the interconnects and speaker wire...... 
Is it important whether or not it is good tight fast and accurate bass or just lots and lots of bass? 
Music Server - The Search Begins
I really like my Melco. Very easy to use. You will need a $160 Buffalo Burner which is fast. The nice thing about that is if the burner burns out you don't lose your server.  
In search for speakers of "natural" sound
quanghuyThis question is perfect. It addresses an important issue. Here we are in 2018. Sixty years after the first quads came out and we have hundreds of speakers available.....for the prices they are asking shouldn't they all have a natural soun... 
Advice on pre-amps needed
I thought the Audio Aero had a volume control. No?  
Want to try separates, what to expect.
You can certainly expect a lot more advice then you expected......