
Responses from sounds_real_audio

phono preamp with volume?
I would go with a real preamp. WIth tubes and with gain.. Adds a lot to the music. 
the tough question: Which preamplifier? and why
Well you have narrowed it down to all the wrong choices. I think, though I have never heard the Graaf that it is probably a really good amp, You might consider two preamps. One I am a dealer for deHavilland and the other I have a really good feeli... 
Modern day female jazz recommendations
I am curious. As a result of this post has anyone gone out and purchased any of the artists that were recommended here?If so how would you rate the artist? 
phono preamp with volume?
The Art Audio Vinyl 1 is a good choice. 
Would you pay to audition speakers
Well I may be wrong but I would guess that If you really were interested in those speakers and the dealer really thought you would buy them at a pre set price. I would bet he would let you demo them for free. Since you have been an agon member for... 
sounstage too big bad thing
If the instruments sound like they are over your head perhaps your speakers are tilted back. Do your speakers have adjustable spikes? What are your speakers by the way? Try a higher chair. All of the above. ... 
sounstage too big bad thing
It sounds like your new cables have opened up your system. Probably time to rearrange your sweet spot. Without knowing what speakers etc. I wouldn't necessarily move further back. Try different toe in positions. I recently tried crossing over the ... 
need amplification help for sonus faber amati
See if this review sounds like what you are looking for. 
Auditioning gear for purchase.. not in town
Getting something used is good. It is also a good way to find a wife. If you don't like her you can put her back on the used market and not take to big a "hit". 
Are there any Violin or Cello players out there?
I recently purchased a Loreena McKennitt CD/DVD called "Nights from the Alhambra". Very very nice by the way. Loreena has a Cello player and doing one of her solos (the Cello play) you could see it was made from fiber glass. Sounded good to me but... 
Auditioning gear for purchase.. not in town
Mr. Tennis In a perfect world you would love to have about 3 or 4 of the speakers that you think you might like to hear. Then about 3 or 4 amp/preamp combos, plus a good number of CD players. Then try the different combos until you are happy ( at ... 
Help What's Wrong with my System
Here is a review on agon. Should sound good.Read number 4. under weaknesses.Price Paid: $4150.00 from Audiogon.comSummary:Having been a happy owner of a pair of Hales Revelation Three's, when I saw a pair of Transcendence Eight's for sale on audio... 
Help What's Wrong with my System
You are just looking for a good reason to get better speakers.... Don't get us in trouble with your wife. Be a man and make your own decision. 
Turntable for SME 309
Isn't there a Sota on agon. Do that instead. Great support from Donna. Not a bad table either. 
Auditioning gear for purchase.. not in town
Jeffb28451You are my new best friend, I think. I have been victimized a number of times.Mr. Tennis, (is he a tennis player?) My shop is in my home. When you listen at my place you will leave knowing that you will keep this equipment for a long tim...