
Responses from soix

State-of-the-art DVD Video and SACD player?
Buy one of Sony's cheaper DVD/SACD players and have Ric Schultz of EVS( turn it into a giant killer. See the website for Ric's thoughts on the various mods. Best of luck.Tim 
Best Used DAC for 1000?
If you can find an EVS Millennium DAC for sale, grab it. I use a Millennium DAC 1 with a Pioneer DVD transport with excellent results. Transparency, dynamics, soundstage, tonality, etc. are all incredible and a HUGE improvement over the DVD's anal... 
Acoustic Zen vs. Nordost - wchich one to choose?
I find recommending cables to be almost pointless as their character can and often does change dramatically from system to system. That said, I've had shotgun Satoris, Matrix, and Silver Reference interconnects in my system and they have flushed o... 
WANT tukans to do the disapearing thing???
I used to sell Linn gear and I agree with P1s1. The Tukans are certainly musical and definitely possess the toe tapping, pace & rhythm thing that Linn is famous for, but disappearing into the room just isn't one of their strong suits(at least ... 
Multi-disk set up, DVD and audio.
You might consider buying one of the cheaper Sony carousel SACD/DVD players(i.e. DVPNC600V) and having it modified by Ric Shultz, Stan Warren, Dan Wright, Kern, etc. This way you'd have one unit that will likely kill any stock DVD player and proba... 
Home Theatre speaker suggestions
Hi Clack,If you think you might get serious about music in the future I'd strongly suggest you look at Axiom speakers. They will do nicely in an HT application, but they're also good enough that you could build a pretty serious music system around... 
I need to be wowed
After reading through the above recommendations I'm shocked no one has yet recommended Vandersteens. I listened to the 3s at length and although they were a tad dark for my taste every other part of the spectrum was outstanding, as was soundstagin... 
personal experiences with quaility preamps...
Dave,I'm going to assume since you're switching from a receiver you might not want to jump right into tubes, but there are some fine recommendations for tube stuff above.In terms of solid state, you could have one helluva good start with an Adcom ... 
need suggestions - transport for EVS Millenium Dac
I've been using a Pioneer DVD player as a transport into my Millennium DAC 1 with excellent results. The ability to play the 24/96 DADs has also been fun and very instructive into what we can expect from the new formats, which I'm not venturing in... 
coincident vs. audio physic
I'd add the Silverline Sonatinas to your list--very open, transparent, and tube friendly. You might also try the Soliloquy 6.2. Haven't heard the Partial Eclipse or Tempo III but have been very impressed with other models in the Coincident and AP ... 
Re thinking my system; where to start?
Sounds like you might want to look at the Placette passive preamp. It's basically a volume control unit with one input--doesn't get much simpler or more transparent than this. FTAudio also seems good if you don't need a remote.I'd also recommend e... 
A good integrated amp for Silverline Sonatina II
I'd call Silverline and ask them for recommendations. Who would know better than the speaker's designer? Best of luck.Tim 
Rogue Tempest or Jolida JD1000A Integrateds?
You should check the impedance characteristics of the Cliffhangers as well to find out at what level and where in the frequency spectrum they bottom out, as this could be an even bigger issue than sensitivity. I've heard nothing but good things fr... 
What would you use ?
Make sure you choose your amp first, then figure out which cables work best with the new amp/speaker combo. That said, both Analysis Plus and Cardas are reputed to be a little "warmer" than others, so these might be worth exploring but may stretch... 
Am I Too Cheep?
If you're intent on listening in surround mode I wouldn't bother getting serious about your front end.If, however, you are interested in getting more serious about 2-channel the 985 may be a serious problem, not because it is that bad of a preamp ...