Responses from soix
Best integrated amps under $9k Agree with others you need to finalize your speakers first. If you're considering the F208s I'd think the Totem Forest might be the more appropriate option instead of the Halk since they're more in the same price range. Best of luck. | |
Warm sounding power cord for for CD player to suppress digital glare on vocals. I feel your pain. Sadly my solution is I've stopped listening to poorly mastered CDs and have found enough well recorded music that I can live with it. Anything I did to make inferior recordings sound better had negative consequences on better r... | |
B&W 683S2 for entery level speakers The MLs look like they'rear ported. Weren't you trying to avoid that? | |
New floor stand speakers If you like the sound of your Proacs, I think Joseph Audio speakers offer similar sonic traits in terms of musicality, imaging/soundstage, and disappearing in the room. The Perspectives may be worth a listen if you can find them. Best of luck. | |
Suggestions on XLR cable around 400.00 I've been using Acoustic Zen Silver Reference for many years and find them to be a very good all around interconnect. They nicely balance detail and tonality resulting in a very musical and natural presentation. They also image and soundstage ve... | |
Soliciting Upgrade Advice Ofher than the fact that you own JBL speakers and a MF amp and that you listen to the Greatful Dead and Mozart, there is really no indication of what aspects of sound reproduction as it pertains to speakers or anything else is most important to yo... | |
Proper Room Acoustics/Designs Yeah, since bass seems to be your biggest issue I'd have concerns over the proposed design. The double drywall will do little or nothing to absorb long bass waves, which means they will continue to be reflected back into your room. Secondly, since... | |
Bright & fast speaker cables with great imaging ? Flyby. | |
Proper Room Acoustics/Designs I'm no expert, but I took a quick look at Dennis' wall construction and I'm not sure all this is needed to build a very good sounding room. Unless you're also very concerned about sound getting out of the room, a room within a room may not even be... | |
Recs for solid state integrated, $2-3,000 range Plinius Hautonga might be worth a look considering your needs. A couple available here now. Best of luck. | |
£15k $22k to spend on speakers...but which? Acoustic Zen Creschendos are a relatively easy load and may also be worth considering given your criteria. | |
Proper Room Dimensions/Designs/Acoustics Don't know him, but there are many ways to screw up a listening room. I'd take the time to educate myself so you're at least familiar with the basics of room design. I highly recommend reading Premium Home Theater by Earl Geddes. By far the most u... | |
Best near wall high end speaker In addition to the Duette, the Von Schweikert Vortex VR35 is also made to work within inches of the back wall. Best of luck. | |
£15k $22k to spend on speakers...but which? Oh, and just saw a pair of Magico S5s for sale in Europe that might also be worth a good look. | |
£15k $22k to spend on speakers...but which? There is a pair of Rockport Aviors for sale here in your price range that are worth a look, as well as a pair of Vandersteen Carbon 5As. I'm not sure if your amp will drive either of them optimally, but if it can either of these would be fantastic... |