
Responses from soix

What Center Channel are you using in your Home Theater?
Are you getting the B&Ws?  I'd wait until you choose your L/R speakers first.  But if clarity is paramount and you don't care about matching...A used Aerial CC3 would be a good option.  Too bad there was one here just recently.  A couple other... 
VALVET Amps & Pre: any feedback from Audiogoners?
Hey Keith, still waiting for your comments on the Valvets.  Still not broken in?  Heh heh.  Seriously though, curious minds want to know.  
Integrated amp with HT bypass for Focal Electra 1008 Be
Was going to mention a used Plinius Hiato available here now, but sounds like you might be onto something with the Hegel. 
High-End Standmounts: KEF LS50W vs. NOLA Boxer II vs. Revel M106
What aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you?  Tough to make recommendations without that info.  
Maybe looking at the following to replace my Magico S-5 MK 1
Have to admit I'm a little shocked here if I have this right.  You run the PS DAC directly into your amps right?  Then you insert an $11,000 very highly-regarded tubed preamp and you basically hear no difference?  I'm sure you heard what you heard... 
Falling out of love for my Gallo Strada 2’s (long)
A few small footprint tower recommendations:New:Ascend Sierra Towers -- 30-day trial sold direct, can be ordered with Raal ribbon tweeter that should be sweet like your MLsUsed:Joseph Audio Profile -- neutral and natural sounding with excellent im... 
Maybe looking at the following to replace my Magico S-5 MK 1
This would be much more effective if you'd let us know what aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you and what specifically you're looking to improve upon over the Magicos.  
Curious How These Nordost Speaker Cables Do What They Do
Agree with Jmc that what initially can sound exciting and more detailed can become too much over time.  Not saying it will, and it all comes down to system synergy and individual tastes in the end, but something to keep in mind while auditioning. ... 
Stereo Guy - Need advice on HT integration
Since you need a stereo preamp too, maybe a higher-end integrated amp might be a simple and elegant solution?  There's a Plinius Hiato available here now that would probably sound great with your speakers, and it has a HT bypass for convenience.  ... 
DAC Suggestions Please
Ok, I'm a little confused.  Do you use the Classe SSP for processing only and feed that into the P7?  Why two preamps in the first place? I must be missing something here.  
DAC Suggestions Please
What's the rest of your system?  Maybe money better spent elsewhere?I'd think $2k could get you a good improvement in a DAC.  Two possible options, there's a used Metrum Hex DAC on eBay for $1700, or an Oppo Sonica DAC and have it modified by Ric ... 
Help with next upgrade
What aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you, and/or what would you like to improve upon in your current system? 
Stereo Guy - Need advice on HT integration
+1 jmc and bdgreg. A stereo pre configured the way they said with a decent AVR is absolutely the way to go if 2-channel music is the priority.  You can use any stereo pre, and if it doesn't have a HT bypass you can use any open input and just set ... 
Efficient Speakers with SS Powered Subwoofers for SET amps?
Personally, if you're looking at a new amp in the near future -- especially if it's a tube amp -- I'd decide on that first before buying any speakers.  The amp you choose could change everything and you may regret your speaker choice later.  But g... 
Should I upgrade my towers?
$4k used speakers will put you in another world sonically.  Absolutely upgrade!  Since you're relatively new to this, if you buy used I'd try to go with something that's not extreme one way or the other and that tends to shoot straight down the au...