
Responses from soix

Recommendations for upgrade
Here’s a nice pair of Nola Baby Grand References that will be tough to beat for $25k -- original MSRP of $72k. Bucket list speakers indeed. 
Sub to complement KEF LS50s: SVS vs. Rythmik
Yet another option is the Vandersteen 2Wq sub.  Very musical sub with a unique integration system.  Here's one available now... buy buy into th... 
Want a new amp but what to get?
Sounds like you may be looking for a little more heft or meat on the bones in the midrange? McCormack amps are known for having expressive mids for a solid state amp, and as an owner of a DNA 0.5 Rev A amp I’d agree with that. Here’s a nice DNA 1 ... 
Want a new amp but what to get?
You'll get better and more meaningful recommendations if you tell us what aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you and what you're looking to improve upon over your current amp.  
Recommendations for upgrade
What aspects of sound reproduction and speaker performance are most important to you, and what would you like to improve upon? Tough to make meaningful recommendations without that info. Also any info on your other components and room would be hel... 
1 receiver for HT and 2 channel?
Depends on how serious you are about 2-channel music.  Personally I'd get a good stereo integrated amp or separate stereo amp and preamp and just use the AVR to handle HT processing and power the center/surrounds.  If the stereo pre or integrated ... 
Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene Placement & Break-In?
Are you on a suspended wood floor?  If so, maybe try some damping footers under your stands or some marble (or some other heavy stone) slabs.  Or maybe bass traps in the front corners of the room.  Best of luck.  
Demo'd a few sets of speakers over the past 2 weeks...
You seem to really like the Vandy sound, so why not just go up the line with something like the 5a available here now? 
Review on Linear Tube Audo Ultralinear amplifier just went up on Six
@bobheinatz -- the xa25 is a great amp, but here are a couple other Class-A amps you might want to consider.  As far as tube amps, Don Sach's KT88 amp is getting some impressive reviews as well.  Sorry if I'm just muddying the waters!https://highe... 
Preamp/DAC with an analog input
I had the earlier 3.0 version of this Bel Canto DAC in my system on extended demo and it is excellent, especially with the separate VBS power supply. You can read the reviews. I also used it as a preamp and it was indistinguishable from my Bryston... 
Upgrade advice (from Paradigm signature s8v2 + aria 948s to... ??)
What sound characteristics are most important to you and what would you like to improve upon over what you have now?  Can't make any meaningful suggestions without that critical info.  
Used vs New vs Vintage vs Floorstanding vs Bookshelf vs ..... OMG!
First I would like some input from experts or experienced people to discard, or differentiate the Good from the Bad, or the Better from the Not so good. For instance, do you think it is better to invest on an older used and perhaps outdated pair o... 
Used vs New vs Vintage vs Floorstanding vs Bookshelf vs ..... OMG!
+1 @belvedere2 -- by far the best investment you can make right now is taking the time to go out and listen to as many speakers as you can.  You'll eventually start to identify which speaker characteristics (and speakers) sound best to you.  Only ... 
Rockport Avior 2 vs Wilson Sasha DAW
@carey1110 -- where on the east coast?  Goodwins is a great Rockport dealer outside Boston.  Personally, at the price of these speakers I'd be traveling wherever I had to for an audition of both speakers before buying either.   
Help with picking new integrated for under 3k
@sammyshaps -- great description of what you're looking for.  Given that, I think you'll be very pleased with the Hegel.  It will certainly tame the highs a bit while adding more heft and meat on the bones in the mids and bass.  I think you'll als...