
Responses from soix

Are the 6 speakers from a 2001 Bose Lifestyle 20 Music System worth anything?
So how ironic that he thought it was funny how cheap the drivers were when in fact the ATC drivers are no more expensive. I always knew you were flat-out nuts, but that could be the stupidest thing you’ve ever said here. Last I saw an ATC midrange... 
Speaker upgrade
Don’t mean to beat the proverbial dead dog, but seeing as you’re lowering your price limit I’ll mention there’s a rare pair of JA Pearl 3s available here now for $18,200.  Woof.   
Anyone hear SF Venere's? Thougts?
I can get one at $1,400 mint, do you think it is a good buy?No.  I had them on extended demo and while they have their strengths there are better options IMHO.  For the same price you can get new LSA-10 Signature monitors (here on A’gon) and try t... 
Light weight headphones
I’ve got the HIFIMAN HE400S and find them to be very neutral and open sounding.  There’s a review of the LCD-X on that compares them to to the HIFIMAN Ananda (a couple models up from mine) and finds them pretty comparable sonically,... 
I am looking for a reasonably headamp with a Dac with an optical input
+1 @fuzztone re: Drop these days.  In fact, I just cancelled an order for some Sennheiser ‘phones from them because they delayed my delivery after already having waited three weeks for the damn things, and I ended up getting them for the same pric... 
B&W 803D3 + DB1D vs 800D3
Two or four subs, not one, is the way I’d go.  The Swarm might be the most cost-effective change you could make.  Best of luck.  
Can speakers cause mental illness?
The bleeding hearts and the artistsMake their standAnd when they've given you their allSome stagger and fall after all it's not easyBanging your heart against some mad buggers wall- Pink FloydHappy Holidays All 
Can speakers cause mental illness?
It’s a shame no speaker will ever be good enough for kenjit to actually buy because the padded walls in his room might actually produce decent sound. 
Are the 6 speakers from a 2001 Bose Lifestyle 20 Music System worth anything?
I was with one of ATC’s engineers when we opened one of those puppies up and he immediately started laughing.  He recognized the driver immediately and said it goes for three pence, which I think equated to about 6 cents at the time.  So I’d say y... 
I am looking for a reasonably headamp with a Dac with an optical input
The Magni is just an amp without a DAC and not sure if Schiit sells a DAC/Amp with an optical input.  Go to and look at the Xduoo XD-05 Plus for $210.  It also has a battery so can be portable if that’s ever needed.  Also on Drop, and if ... 
0s & 1s are all the same aren’t they? Is it really worth paying for a “better” Streamer?
I’d keep streamer, DAC, amp separate unless you really need to reduce the box count for some reason.  And yes, they all matter significantly just like everything else in this hobby. 
Can speakers cause mental illness?
Lots of things can cause mental illness, and kenjit doesn’t even own speakers so we’re just left to wonder what caused the damage here.  
Cables 101, new student, first question
This is just my personal experience FWIW.  Adding a better interconnect improves the sound of my system even if there’s a lesser one elsewhere.  But it also matters where you install the cables in your system.  I get the best results by putting th... 
I have atcsm40 want possible alternative
Nice pair of Acoustic Zen Crescendo ll available here now for $8400 that are more efficient and may do very nicely.  Best of luck.  
used speaker recommendations
You can find the Harbeth P3ESR used at a little over $2k, which would be a great option if you can stretch a little.  Not British, but there’s a pair of Nola Boxer 3s for $2k at Seattle HiFi that would also be worth considering.  Best of luck.